“This way.” Edwin’s voice said from behind him. Leslie flinched and bit back a scream.  He didn’t even know the man had followed him inside.

                “And how exactly do you know that?” The black haired man asked.

                “I can smell it.” The vampire said, his eyes glowing a faint red in the dark. They were frightening and perhaps Edwin’s most inhuman feature. They were filled with hunger and their look was purely predatory and animalistic. Edwin pushed past Leslie, his thirst getting the better of him as he kicked open a door.

                Leslie hoped this placed didn’t have security cameras because if they did, he’d probably get charged not only for breaking and entering, but for straight up vandalism. He scrambled along after him, and after many more doors were broken, they ended up in front a large refrigerated door.

                “Oh, it’s locked. Well we tried. Better luck next time.”

                Edwin paid him no mind and grabbed the handle of the locked, cold metal door. He gave it one good yank and almost tore it off of its hinges. It would have been a good idea had it not made an alarm blare throughout the building. Leslie’s hands flew to cover his ears and he cursed. “Fuck. Now we’re screwed. Grab your shit and let’s go.”

                The vampire was unfazed by the sudden urgency and stepped into the (more or less) blood fridge and started going through different blood types. Leslie shifted from one foot to the other, antsy.

                They were going to get arrested. They were gonna go to jail. He was too young for the! Edwin wasn’t because as far as he knew vampires were old as dirt so whatever, but still, he had his whole life in front of him.       

                “Let’s go.” Edwin said as if he wasn’t the one being waited on. “The noise is bound to attract attention.”

                “Oh fuckity fuck. We need a plan.”

                Edwin rose an eyebrow at him. “Can’t you just magic us out of here?”

                “Not when I’m stressed out. And if you haven’t noticed, this is a high stress situation. Besides, I could only teleport myself out. I’d end up leaving your ass, not that you wouldn’t deserve it. Now let me think.”

                If he hadn’t been shushed, Edwin would have announced that Leslie’s powers were utterly useless considering he apparently hardly ever used them. So instead he settled for glaring at him with a sour look on his face, annoyance radiating off of him.

                Apparently magic users were completely impervious to reading the atmosphere and Leslie just glanced around the room as if the answer could be found by staring at walls. His green eyes fell on a broom and dust pan in the corner. He dashed over to it and picked it up. He swung one leg over the side of the broomstick and looked over at Edwin.

                The vampire just stared at him like he was a nut.

“What are you waiting for? C’mon!” He yelled.

                Edwin stared at him skeptically before sighing and walked towards him. He awkwardly got behind him and—god-- straddled the broom. “You do realize how ridiculous we look right now?”

                Leslie ignored him and closed his eyes before whispering, “Praevolo!” His eyes flashing green as his magic pulsed through him

                The broom shot up so quickly that the vampire almost fell off. “Holy shit!” Edwin spat, clutching at the back of the warlock’s shirt. The cleaning tool hovered just above the ground so that their feet dangled. Leslie steered the broom out of the door Edwin had broke through before and with another spell, the speed of the broom quickened until it shot out the backdoor. It rose in height until they were floating high above the building, the wind blowing through their hair.

                Edwin’s breath caught in his throat as he looked down. They could see the entire city from up there. The whole sky alight with the signs and lampis and billboards as sounds of people busy and about, even late as it was.  There were too many of them to see many of the stars, a pity really, but the artificial light held its own charm to it. He craned his head and saw the moon, not full of course, but still ethereal in all of its glory. Leslie noticed the silence and turned his head slightly to look at the vampire, confusion in his face. Their eyes met and the vampire ended up looking at him so intently that he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Oh god, they were having a moment.

                “I knew you weren’t the most masculine of men, Leslie, I thought only witches rode brooms.”

                “Kill yourself.”


Apartment 13 (Paranormal Slash, MxM)Where stories live. Discover now