“You make it seem like I’m going to take a piss.”

                “Yes, well.  Just hurry up.” He replied, running a hand through his hair. “I’m not going to sit out here all night.”

                “You’re not coming inside?” Edwin asked confused.

                Leslie shook his head. “No. This is all you. I’ll just wait here.”

                And wait he did. For about a good fifteen minutes before Edwin was back and anxiously tapping on the passenger window.  Leslie jolted and quickly hit the unlock button. Edwin sat down in the passenger with a sour look on his face.

                The dark haired warlock made a face. “So… How’d it go?”

                “Not a single person there was suitable. Take me somewhere else.” Edwin’s voice was laced in annoyance. No one in the club fit his preferences. He came from more refined taste and had a very delicate palate. In other words, he was picky as hell. And there was no way he was drinking from that unfortunate lot unless his throat was as dry as the Sahara.

                “I’m not driving you around all night wasting gas. Can’t you just waltz in there, charm someone, and drag them into the back alley and have your wicked way with them?”

                “I said take me somewhere else.” The vampire repeated, crossing his arms in a way that would look childish if he wasn’t so ridiculously intimidating.

                Leslie turned the car on. Then thought better of it and turned it off. “I’m not your servant. What, you expect me to break you into a blood bank when you don’t like the people at the next place?”

                Edwin was quiet for a minute before he smiled.


                CHD Bloodbank, like most bloodbanks, wasn’t open at one in the morning. And even if it was, Leslie was probably certain he couldn’t just walk in and ask for a pint of Eastpoint’s finest without incurring some kind of scrutiny. But anything was better than trying to sneak in through the window while a hungry vampire griped every five seconds.

                “Are you done yet?”

                Leslie rolled his eyes. “It’s fucking bolted shut, it’s dark as hell out, and I’m fucking tired. Give me a minute to come up with a plan. Goddess.” Surely there was a way to get in without using magic. Not only did he never like to use magic for personal gain (or for that of an annoying roommate), but he wasn’t the very best at it under pressure. He tried to heal his friend’s broken leg once and ended up giving him an extra one. 

                Edwin let out an exasperated sigh before shoving the shorter man aside. He pulled his arm back before smashing his fist through the window. The glass shattered loudly and trickled to the ground like confetti. He turned to Leslie and raised an eyebrow. The warlock decided not to dignify that with a response and heaved himself up and over the window’s ledge, careful not to cut himself on the bits of glass that didn’t completely break off. 

                The room was dark and it seemed to be one were they actually drew blood. Leslie shivered at the thought.  He hated needles. Even when he needed to draw his own blood for a potion or spell (which was rarely) he would take a good ten minutes to mentally prepare himself. Steeling his nerves, he felt his way towards the door and opened it. It led to a hallway, and predictably, more doors.

Apartment 13 (Paranormal Slash, MxM)Where stories live. Discover now