Sighing, I decided it was time to stop contemplating and do what I told Razel. A shower would definitely help me. Standing from the bed- Razel's bed- I finally made my way out of her room. Crossing the hall, I went into my own private area and began stripping out of my sweaty clothes. The en suite bathroom was a welcoming sight, and the spray of the cold water once I turned the shower on was like rain after the drought. It felt like it was washing away the last remnants of the nightmare from my body. I leaned a hand against the cubicle walls and let the water fall against my skin.

Oddly enough, for the first time since I came back to life, I felt like I was really alive.


I decided to wash my face in one of the guest bathroom's I passed by before heading to the dining room where we had dinner the previous night.

I didn't want the rest of our housemates to see me looking like a total wreck. Now that I had some distance from Jason, I realized how silly I must've looked like to him crying and hugging him like a little girl. I felt somewhat ashamed for letting him see that. After all he went through, he didn't need a cry baby like me to act that way around him. But I couldn't help it.

Seeing Jason in pain and hearing about his sad past just made me feel horrible. And the fact that Jason died was still something I couldn't accept. No wonder Damian joked about resurrection last night. This was all so messed up. The fact that I was now living this whole crazy, unbelievable life was taking its toll on my mental facilities. I mean, resurrection? Jesus Christ.

Splashing cold water onto my face helped me calm down further, but on the inside, everything was still in turmoil. I meant what I said to Jason last night. He lived an extraordinary life. It was thrilling, exciting and dangerous. It was hard weighing the pros and cons of his life. Of the life they all lived. How did a normal girl like me find her way here? Sure, everyone wanted to be a superhero when they were kids. But knowing superheroes as a grown up is an entirely different story. I didn't forget Oliver mentioning how much danger I could be in with the information I now knew.

My thoughts kept rolling back and forth, trying to make sense of what had changed in my life ever since I found Jason lying unconscious in that Burger King back in October. I was also trying to decide if I was happy about the change, but everything seemed to be a mix of emotions. I was so caught up in my contemplations, I didn't even notice I had reached my destination and Asteria greeted me.

"Razel," she said coolly, her grey eyes flashing. The sound of her voice made me jump. "Where's Jason?"

Her question made me realize that she was concerned about Jason, too. She cared about him, too. And she was protective of him. I could see it now in the way she watched me with hawk- like eyes. Concern and protectiveness warred with her. "He's just taking a shower," I answered quietly, thankful my voice no longer broke.

Asteria let out a sigh of relief and sat at the head of the table after placing a plate of eggs down. It was just the two of us in the large room, and I was wondering if she wanted me there. Did she blame me for Jason's nightmare? Was she mad at me? What would she do to me? If Dick was the first Robin, who was Asteria?

"Did he tell you?" I flinched at the question, being abruptly pulled out of my thoughts.

"Tell me what?" I asked, a frown of confusion making its way onto my face.

Asteria cocked her head in curiosity, still watching my every move with those unnerving steely eyes. "About his nightmare,"" she clarified.

I froze. So she did know. Did she also know how Jason was brought back to life? "I can tell from the look on your face that he did," she mused. "Interesting."

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