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So recently i have seen the morphine story going around a lot and i thought it would be a really cute story, so i decided to just add it on to bubblegum troubles story and change the title of the book. So from now on i will put all oneshots in here. Thanks for reading😊

Wally's pov:
Artemis had been injured on a mission she had taken a bullet wound to the abdomen, I, Wally, had been the only one free and not fighting someone. Telling everyone through the mind link that Artemis was injured and i was taking her back, i heard no response but i think i was out of range before they could respond. I set of with a half consious Artemis . So i rushed Artemis back to the cave and into the med bay-we may argue but i'm not gonna let her die, we have been making up and getting better recently, i found a few packets of morphine, only problem being i had no idea how much she needed. I quickly took my phone out and texted rob knowing he knew how much she would need. Letting Artemis clutch my spare hand, purely out of medical it would help with pain, obviously.
How much morphine will Artemis need?
I typed at superspeed

Roughly 45 to 50 mg
He responded almost instantly


I turned back around to Artemis who was still squeezing my hand.
"Hey" i said gently moving a few stray hairs out of her slightly sweaty but otherwise clean face, "i need you to let go of my hand for a few minutes whilst i work out this morphine, then clean up your wound." I smiled kindly.
Artemis grunted back with a half smile.
"Okay" i turned around counting it out quickly, i measured out 50 to be on the safe side. Wheeling around i handed it to her with a glass of water. She started moving her arms up wincing. I took it back off her "here" i said i put it in her mouth then pressed the glass against her smooth pink lips, she swallowed. I moved everything out of her way. "Alright you're gonna have to tell me when the morphine kicks in"
"Just take the bullet out now, please" she gritted out.
"That's gonna be really painf-" i started.
"You don't think i know that, just do it kid idiot"
Even when shes in pain she can insult me, gotta hand it to her thats devotion."fine fine"
I got a pair of tweezers and put on some gloves "i know this might be a little awkward but your top is kinda sorta in the way of the wound" i blushed.
"Right umm, yeah...i'll- i'll take it off..." She started taking it off wincing at every movement.
I took a breath in swallowing my dignity"do you need some help" my face on fire.
"No no its fi-" she took a sharp intake as her body jolted forwards, she looked meekly back up to my smirking face with a blush. "Well don't just stand there, then".
I carefully peeled away the blood soaked bit first then continued with the rest, "can you lift your arms up?" I asked whilst avoiding her whole general chest area.
"Uhh yeah i think i can" she winced a little but managed it. I managed to pull the rest of her top off seeing there was blood everywhere she has a majority of it spilling downwards but there were a few splatters to the side and upwards-don't look there wall-man don't do it. But she does look kinda hot right now-no i won' Stupid teenage hormones, why now with Artemis... Okay why now.
"Okay you want my hand to hold?" I asked assuming the morphine still hadn't kicked in.
She raised her eyebrow at me when i looked up, at her face, but took it regardless. I readied the tweezers, i could feel Artemis' grip getting tighter"Okay here we go, one...two-" i stopped there pulling out the bullet with the tweezers.
"What the hell happened to three." She breathed heavily.
"Well i guess you'd be expecting more pain on three so i pulled it out quicker..." I explained.
"Wow pure genius Wally, pure genius" she remarked sarcastically.
"Just let me clean you up first before you get snarky, woman!" I whisper yelled.
She sent me an utter look of annoyance, i ignored it getting some bandages and wipes and so on. Wiping up the blood first then cleaning up the edges of the wound. The middle was still wet and gooey but it had stopped bleeding, which was a good sign. Taking a gauze dressing and placing on the top first, then taking a bandage rolling it around her soft smooth back, i tried to keep a distance but it was hard, i kept looking down trying not to get flushed. I looked back up at artemis when she was being uncharacteristically quiet.
"Hey arty!? You there? Earth to Arty!" I said waving my free hand at her. She snapped out of her daze grinning at me.
"Heyyy you cutie!" She smiled at me.
I stared at her "so the morphines kicked in" i commented dryly.
"I know i normally would never normally admit this but you would be sooooooo hot as a doctor, i'll be your patient any time" she continued with a wink, ignoring my statement. I blushed then continued with the bandage covering her abdomen once i got to the end i pinned it in place. "Well i take AP biology. Right then i'll just go get you a top from the first aid drawer" i told her.
"But i don't want one of those top," she said with a cute little frown "i want one of your tops, babe" she said with a cheeky smile whilst pulling me close towards me.
"Well i errr..umm i...why cant you have the first aid one?" I stuttered being this close to her.
"because i like you, silly." She giggled.
"Well if you err let go of me i can go get you one 'kay?" I told her.
"Yay!" She said in exitement.
I raced to my room picking up a blue top, i swear the morphine should have just made her drowsy not full on crazy and flirty. I walked back in and handing my top to her. "Happy?"
She smiled at me placing it over her head, she did look really cute in it "very, now come lie down with me"
"What? But what if the team, or robin, walks in?" I asked concealing yet another blush.
"Aww is liquel wally embarrassed" artemis cooed.
"Look Arty-" i started.
"Ooohhhhh Arty i like it" she giggled again.
"Look were not dating so it would be weird." I told her.
She had a small pout on her face "can't we pretend? Oohhh or better yet how about we do date!!" She said excited again.
"Well i uhhhh...i gu-"
"I really really really like you Wally, except i have never been able to tell you before"
"Well i guess i really really really like you too" i laughed, i mean whilst shes not gonna remember anything might as well get my feelings off my chest. "Okay get into the bed now" i ordered.
"Yes sir" she saluted then got under the covers and snuggled down. I tucked the sides in. I turned around to leave when she grabbed my hand. "Will you pretty please with cherries on top stay with me?" She asked with a smile that i cant and never will be able to say no to.
"I will stay on top of the covers" i told her sternly! I laid down on the bed when she pecked me on the cheek, i blushed taking hold of her hand. She took my hand placing it around her shoulder then holding it with both hands and turning on her side towards me, pulling me closer, she giggled looking up at me. I smiled down at her, resting my chin on the crown of her head so she was snuggled into my chest
"Hmmm you smell really nice" she remarked.
"Ughh thanks." I chuckled
"You know i really really do like you Wally" Artemis said her eyes fluttering shut as she got tired.
"I know i like you too, Arty." I myself could feel my eyes closing.

When i woke up it was to a bright flask and a...a camera click oh god. I looked over my vision a bit bleary, it kinda looked like a traffic light...robin?
"Hey Wally have a nice sleep" the traffic light smirked.
I blushed.
"Hey why is there a traffic light in here?" Artemis asked.
"I dont know i was just thinking that" i answered.
"Hey!" Robin cried out ignorantly.
"Hmmm what smells so nice" Artemis asked, smelling the shirt.
"Arty, you're not helping us here?" I said as i detached myself from her and got up.
"Because a little birdie told me to give you the wrong dosage of morphine so you overdosed and went a little crazy..." I answered her.
"ROBIN" artemis yelled and glared at him.
"Hey do you two know a side effect of overdosing on morphine is telling the truth" and with that Robin left with his trade mark laugh echoing after him.
"That little troll," artemis muttered "wait did i say everything that i thought was a dream...?" Artemis blushed.
"So a side effect was telling the truth, huh" i smirked raising an eyebrow.
"Ughhh shut up west" she said highly embarrassed.
"Okay well i have to stop robin before he starts watching security footage, and keep the shirt it suits you" i quickly said and kissed her on the lips quickly then zooming off leaving a wide eyed Artemis behind me.
Artemis was left stood there cringing at what she had said.

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