Fire Gem

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Elena smiled as she watched Johnny escort Sue down the isle to the alter. He joined her seconds later and laced their fingers together. Even though it bothered Ben, after Elena dying it opened all of their eyes that they can't wait forever to show their true feelings.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to Reed Richards and Sue Storm together," the Minister spoke until he was interrupted yet again by Reed's Palm Pilot, "In holy..matri—"

Sue leaned over to Reed, "What is it?"

"Venice is sinking into the Adriatic," Reed replied. Elena smirked, realizing that is was time to leave again.

"Oh boy. That's a biggie," Ben said to Alicia. Sue turned to the Minister again before using the exact same line Reed used in their previous wedding.

"Could we just, skip to the end?" Reed looked at her in shock as the two younger members let out a laugh.

"Yeah, uh-the love these two share-"

"No, the very end," Reed urged him even more. Elena and Johnny were struggling to contain their laughs.

"Yeah, great," Elena gave a sympathetic look to the Minister who looked so prepared for this wedding, just like the other ones, "Uh, do you have the rings?"

Ben stepped forward and handed Reed the rings. The couple took them before slipping them on each other's fingers. The looked happily at each other but when the minister forgot to continue, they turned and looked at him.

"Oh! I now pronounce you man and wife and you may kiss the bride," Reed and Sue leaned forward and pressed their lips together in the kiss the had been waiting for. They were finally married.

"Okay," Sue sounded like she was on Cloud 9 and didn't want to come down, "We should get out of here."

"Yeah," Reed agreed. The two newlyweds all but ran down the aisle down to where the hovercraft was parked.

"Got to go, hun," Ben said kissing Alicia once before going to the hovercraft where Elena and Johnny already were. They reached the hovercraft just when Sue turned towards Reed.

"I have to throw the bouquet," Reed smiled and leaned back as Sue turned towards the woman that had gathered to catch the flowers. Sue turned and let out a laugh before throwing the bouquet over her head. The women shouted as they stretched for it. Sue turned around to watch as Elena crossed her arms.

Johnny leaned down next to Elena and held their hands together in front of their faces, fingers pointed, "Care to join me?" he asked. Elena's lips spread into a wide smile as she moved both their fingers towards the bouquet. The red flowers suddenly burst into a glittery flaming puff of dust, that sparkled down around the women. Everyone spun to face the two as silence fell upon the area.

"Sorry," Elena shrugged.

"Reflex," Johnny smirked before taking Elena's hand. The lavender dress she had on top of her suit suddenly vanished as she burst into white flames, diamonds glittering underneath, Johnny burst into his own flames before the two took off into the sky. The hovercraft took off into the air. The children all around them laughed and shouted and waved as the hovercraft and two flaming bodies, flew into the sky. The three section separated into the air as each flew in a different direction. Smoke trailed behind them as they twisted and turned in the air. As the three pods and two flaming people flew away, the Fantastic Five logo sone bright in the air, showing everyone that they were safe from whatever threat may come.

Six months and four days. Johnny thought as he woke up that morning. It's been six months and four days since the world almost ended. It's been six month and four days since I fought off Victor alone. His heart sank as he sat up. It's been six months and four days since Glow died, but it's been six months and four days since she came back.

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