I Still Have My Flame

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"And the board is what's drawing it here," Sue said.

"How do you fight something that eat planets?" Johnny asked in complete doubt.

"We have to get the board and lead it away from here before it's too late," Reed explained his half made plan to the group.

"We, do you think the General will go for that?" Ben asked. He brought up a good point.

"He'll have no choice."

Victor watched as the surface of the board pulsed and rippled in the chamber. A power hungry glow appeared in his eye.

"Thank, General....but I'm afraid, the truth is," Victor turned to face the General as he stood off to the side, "That, sometimes, Reed is right."

"Hey, you, come here," Ben said to the guard that stood just outside the heavy metal door of their room, "Let me ask you something."

The five of them ran down the hall only to find a heavy stone door flying down the hall. Sue ducked to the side and rolled across the floor. Johnny grabbed Elena quickly and tucked her into his chest as he pulled them to the side.

"Awww, crap," Ben said whist the door flew straight at him. Johnny, Elena and Sue all hopped up and looked around.

"Ben!" Johnny and Elena shouted while switching their powers back. Ben pushed the stone away form the wall and watched as it fell to the ground.

Ben managed to pry himself out of the wall, "Ow, okay, that one hurt."

"Where's Reed?" Sue asked as she looked around the hallway to try and find him.

"Back here," Reed's voice was muffled and sounded as if his mouth was not in its normal shape. Ben moved away and the group saw a very flattened Reed. He was pressed flush against the wall and he was very lucky that he had his powers, otherwise he would've been killed. Elena watched as he pulled away from the wall and he returned to normal shape.

Sue, Johnny, Elena turned and ran down the hall as the other two followed behind. The room was trashed, everything was either shattered or bent. The board? Gone.

"Reed!" Sue called as all sets of eyes focused on the body that used to be the General. Half of his body was missing as he was frozen in a kneeling position on the ground. Elena covered her mouth as she painfully gasped. No one deserved to die like that.

"Victor. We've got to get it back."

"We need to get the Surfer," Elena stated, "He's the only one who understands it's power."

"Even if we break him out of this place, how are we gonna catch up to Victor?" Ben walked around the room to change his position. Reed nodded as if he knew something no one else did.

"Leave that to me," Reed typed a code into his small tablet. The others, except Elena, were left standing in wonder as they saw that nothing happened, "Don't worry. It'll get here. Let's go get the Surfer."

Ben crashed through the wall that led to where the Surfer was being contained. The Surfer looked up form the ground at the team that walked through the hole in the wall.

"Halt! Don't move!" a guard yelled, "Stay where you are!" Sue raised her hand and trapped the two guards in bubbles. Ben smashed the glass doors that lead to the Surfer.

"Pal, this is the luckiest day of your life," Ben said. Elena immediately ran forward changing the straps into diamonds before shattering them. Once he was free, Reed stepped forward and looped the Surfer's arm over his shoulder to help him walk. Once Reed was comfortable, the six of them moved through the wall and into the hallway.

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