Do you?

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"Well, look at you," Ben smiled as his niece walked in, "Reed said you were joining us."

Elena smiled at her uncle, "I wouldn't miss it," she smoothed her hands over her dress and Ben finally took in her outfit. It was a long sleeved black lace dress, it looked much like the romper she wore at the boat party two years ago, but it was tight around her. She was wearing a pair of silver sparkling heels and her usual diamond necklace and diamond studs. Her white hair was in soft messy waves down to her upper shoulder blades. It sparkled in its usual way and her grey eyes were rimmed with light make up that made them sparkle even more.

"I'm sure he's happy you're coming."

"He better," Elena teased, "I'm gonna be comparing his party to Sue's the entire time!" she gave a laugh which brought Johnny and Reed out into the foyer where they were suppose to meet, "And here he is! The soon to be married man."

"Thank you for coming," Reed smiled giving her a quick hug and she shrugged.

"Didn't have any plans."

Johnny was silent the entire way over to the club, Elena looked beautiful in every way and he couldn't get over the fact that her eyes sparkled when she glanced over to him. His body ached during the time of not spending time with her.

Johnny, Reed, Elena and Ben walked into the club. Rap music was blasting through the speakers in the large room. It was severely crowded with people everywhere. The four looked around before Elena took off, she knew the club well enough and was hell bent on getting some liquor in her before she went dancing. Johnny has also been here before so he looked around as if he was reminding himself of the place.

"This is it?" Ben asked, his eyes scanning the large crowd of dancing people.

"I don't know anybody here," Reed said.

"Yeah, I would have invited some of your friends but you really don't have any," Johnny shouted over the music, "Hey!" two girls pushed through the crowd and to Johnny. Ben's eyes widened when he saw them.

"Johnny, we had a deal!" Reed said. It took Johnny a second to realize what he was talking about.

"They're not exotic dancers," He walked forward, wrapping an arm around each of the girls waists, "They're just hot."

Ben and Reed's eyes met each other's. A silent conversation between the two of them of Johnny's sudden more open with his womanizing, especially since Elena was in the building. They couldn't help but notice at how one of the girls looked strikingly like Elena before she gained her white hair.

"You're Mr, Fantastic, aren't you?" one of the girls asked moving out of Johnny's arms and placed her hands on Reed's shoulders, "That's so awesome," she giggled and moved closer to him. Ben suddenly felt very awkward and excused himself to the bar.

"I'm gonna need a pitcher with the biggest handle you've got," Ben told the bartender. He nodded his head and moved away to find one. Ben gained a strange look from a man that sat next to him as he started to dance to the rap music that was playing. He glanced over and saw Elena laughing and dancing with a group of guys, Johnny had yet to notice.


Meanwhile, multiple black cars pulled up the Baxter Building. People in uniforms exited the cars and walked through the lobby. Jimmy made an attempt to greet them but they blew him off. Then walked over to the private elevator, pressed the button and stepped inside all while Jimmy tried to tell them that they couldn't use that elevator, but they ignored him again.

They walked out of the elevator on the top floor and were greeted by a holographic image of a woman.

"Ms. Storm will be with you shortly," she said, a plastic-like smile on her face. The man went to thank the woman but he hesitated when the image faltered.

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