It's Alright

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Danny was waiting for Elena who was leaning against the wall beside the door to the men's locker room. Johnny went in to take a shower a while ago so she knew where he was. He walked out seconds later with other but a towel around his waist. He saw her immediately and smiled.

"Hey Glow," he said.

Elena opened her mouth to speak but Danny's voice over took the hall, "We're leaving to intercept the Surfer in ten minutes, with or without you," he was glaring at Johnny. He nodded but then stopped to look at Elena.

"Wait, were you just waiting outside the bathroom to try and catch me in a towel?" he asked. The water that ran down his his bare chest turned to steam as a killer smirk covered his smug face. Elena slightly laughed before crossing her arms over her chest, but she slightly jumped when she heard the growl coming from Danny, "That was a joke. I was joking," he slightly laughed, "Why are you so down on me? You don't even know me."

"I know you very well," Danny hissed, "I read your personality profile," Elena and Johnny's brows lifted in curiosity and acknowledgement. They both wanted to see this 'personality profile' the army had compiled for them, "Confident. Reckless. Irresponsible. Self-obsessed, bordering on narcissism," Danny listed resentfully.

Johnny mulled over his words for a moment as a small grin came to his lips, "Okay, so you do know me."

Elena watched them both carefully.

"All I've see is a guy that almost got his team killed."

The two Fantastics slightly flinched at his statement but Johnny quickly recovered, "Okay," he nodded, "I've been a little off my game lately."

The man shook his head, looking at the Human Torch with disgusted eyes, "This isn't a game," he walked away before shooting Elena a glare, leaving the two to their thoughts.

"Helicopter?" Elena whispered glancing up at Johnny.


Black Forest, Germany

The team approached the site in which they were to intercept the Surfer.

"Sir, he's holding his position north of here," Danny reported to the General.


"General," Reed said, leading the Fantastic Five up to him, "Give us a one-mile perimeter."

"Forget it, Richards. You had your shot, and you blew it. This is a military operation now, so jam the signal, get out of the way, let us do our job," the General pushed past Reed and began to walk away.

"You don't understand," Reed began.

"No, you don't understand. So let me make it clear for you and your pack of freaks here. I'm the quarterback. You're on my team. Got it?" Elena flinched when he said 'freaks' as she felt Victor move behind her to overlook the conversation, "But I guess you never played football in high school. Did you, Richards?" the General asked. His lips turned up as he laughed as he laughed to himself.

"No, you're right," this caught EVERYONE'S attention who was listening, "I didn't. I stayed in and studied like a good little nerd," Reed dropped his head before continuing, "And 25 years later...I'm one of the greatest minds of the 21st century, one of my greatest friends is able to hack into any system on the planet if I asked," Elena smiled, "I'm engaged to the hottest girl on the planet, and the big jock who played quarterback in high school," Reed stepped forward towards the General as Elena crossed her arms while leaning her weight onto her hip, "Well, he's standing right in front of me, asking ME for MY help. And I say he's not gonna get a damn thing...unless he does exactly what I tell him...and starts treating my friends and me with some respect."

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