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Z kept walking towards the kid, his cloths were now completely yellow... God that was a horrible color. He stopped a few feet away from the kid and just stood there waiting.

The kid started to stir. 'Who's there?' I felt CJ and Nato get tense as the kid sat up and started looking around. It didn't take him long to spot Z.

He looked him from top to bottom and back to top in a quick glance, as if sizing him up, seeing if he could take him in a fight and he must have thought so (but he would get a rude awaking if he tried too) because he kept on looking around until his eyes fixed on where we were, hiding behind the leafy branches.

CJ sank lower, me and Nato backed up into the tree trucks we were using as cover. I gave it a few seconds and peered out and took a look, the kid had turned his attention back to Z.

'Where is she?' He asked him, but Z didn't reply and I don't think it was because he didn't talk much, his body was calm and his face relaxed. His colors had started to go back to the dark blue; he didn't see the kid as a threat.

'Where is she?' The kid asked sounding frustrated again. He stood up straight and faced Z. He was a bit shorter than him, maybe 5'11'' but he looked up into Z eyes with out a shred of fear and asked, sounding angry this time, 'WHERE-IS-CAI-LIN?' he pronounced every syllable through gritted teeth as if though trying to control himself.

He's a brave kid standing up to Z like that, Z wasn't someone you wanted to get into a fight with. He wasn't buff and juiced up but he was tall, very fit and though he wasn't buff you could still see the definition of his muscles through his shirt. But it's not just that that made him a force to reckon with he was an incredibly talented fighter. He could use anything as a weapon and it didn't hurt that he could will his body to do what ever he wanted it to so it didn't come as a surprise when he didn't even flinch to the kids rage.

'Take your seats ladies cause this is about to turn into a great show' you'd expect Nato to be the one who was wary about physical confrontation let alone one with a complete stranger, whoa I've never said that about someone before, but he seemed to be excited. We all knew that no one could take Z no matter how strong, big or fast they may be, Z always beat them and that's when he's in a better mood. When he's even slightly angry that's when you call in the reinforcements but even then it'd be like leading them into a world of hurt.

'Why wont you answer me?' The kid turned his back to Z and took a few steps away. He hands at his sides were curling into fists and flexing back. He gave them a little shake and stood very still for a second then with impossible speed he bent down, grabbed a broken branch from the ground and threw it sharp end first at Z.

It was shooting towards Z's left shoulder when Z jerked his shoulder back, grabbed the branch, did a full 360 spin and planted it on the ground just in front of his feet. Z looked at the kid and gave a little smile.

'Uh oh!' CJ said sounding worried and uh oh indeed. This was not good.

'What is it?' Nato asked.

'Z's intrigued.' She replied


'Your so clueless Nat, Z thinks the kid is good... he's going to push him and see just how good.'

'Uhhh, what's wrong with playing with your food a little?'

'Nothing but that's when your food can't play back.' and she was right.

The way the kid threw that branch, he was planing on doing a bit of playing himself. Not every body throws with that speed and precision.

'Tell me where he has taken her!' The kid exclaimed. Who could he have ment by 'he'. Who was he talking about. Z just gave the kid a smile. He was trying to provoke him.

'Who are you? Where am I?Where have you taken CAILIN?' and as he said the last word he heaved a branch bigger than the last one and threw it. Z side stepped and the branch dug into the tree right behind where Z was standing a moment ago.

A gasp of shock escaped CJ. 'How hard did he throw that thing?' But Z wasn't shocked, just impressed and I could see his mind working. He was trying to figure out how much stronger the kid actually was.

He stole a glance towards us to make sure we were okay but that was where he mad a mistake. The kid saw where he was looking and came towards us fists curled.

Z reacted so fast it made the kids earlier feats look almost embarrassing. He dislodged the branch from the trees truck and hurled it straight at the kids head and thats when everything got crazy.
The branch was moving so fast I thought for sure the kid was as good as dead but instead time seemed to slow down. The kid turned and looked at the flying piece of wood like it was merely a fly. He stepped aside and everything went back to normal.

The branch flew through the woods until it hit a tree somewhere close with a loud thum. What had just happened? The kid not only dodged it but also had enough time to turn around and examine it. The branch had slowed down, almost like it was giving him time to react.

'What was that?' I asked out loud.

'I know right, that was some fast moving' Nato said. 'He might be faster than Z'

' What? He wasn't moving fast, the damn thing might as well have changed it's course'

'A, what are you talkin...' and it happened again. Everything seemed to slow down. I looked around just in time to see about a dozen dark hooded figures coming in from all sides and forming a circle around Z and the kid.

They seemed to materialize a few feet above where they were now standing and half glid, half land down to the ground. Darkness seemed to swim down from the top of their hoods down to there feet and spread around them like water. They had just enough space in between them for me to see inside they're ring of darkness

Z had completely froze, which came as a shock because he would normally have come to stand by my side by now. I turned to look at CJ and Nato, they also seemed to have frozen but it wasn't from shock. CJ had literally froze, she was looking right at me her lips stuck forming the words she never finished saying. Nato was the same way, frozen with the confused face he pulled when ever he didn't understand something. He was still stuck on what I'd said about the branch.

I waved my hand in front of his eyes but he didn't even flinch. What was happening? Were they all frozen? That's when I cough some movement at the corner of my eye.

I looked around and found the kid looking at the hooded figures. He look at each one of them in turn sizing them up like he did with Z. Why wasn't he frozen like the others? He got to the last one, there were ten exactly. He then looked at Z and then to where me,CJ and Nato where hiding, at that moment he made his decision. I could see it on his face, he was going to fight them off but he knew that he stood no chance against so many.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2015 ⏰

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