The forest

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Calm down, listen. Keep your eyes closed. What do you hear, what do you smell. What can't you feel.
Those were the first things that had come to mind when I'd woken up. Something hadn't felt right, something was different. I hadn't opened my eyes but I knew I was deep in a forest yet that wasn't it.

I'm used to the profound silence only broken by the occasional wondering animal as it made it's way through the trees, but nor was it the smell of the damp soil that i seemed to be lying on. Those things made me feel at home but wait... This isn't home, that was what was missing... I couldn't feel her, I couldn't feel Cailin.

That's when panick started to settle in. My hands started shaking and breathing became a demanding task, as if the air had suddenly gotten denser. My chest was first to feel numb it felt like it had static. My legs where next, my arms after. It spread through my whole body like an electric buzz until I finally collapsed.
'Listen to me son, we have not much time. Take this' he said as he took the ring off fron his left index finger. 'You can not lose it, this is yours now'
'But father, this isnt yours to give...'
'You take it son' he said unfurled my closed fist and put the ring right on the middle of my palm. He stood up and said ' i hope she will forgive me...' before he burst into flames.


We were making our way through Moon grove when I thought I heard someone talking on the other side of the wall of leaves to my right. The trees were packed tight, noise didnt usually carry very far so the voice couldnt have been that far away.

'Hey, keep it down for a sec I don't think we're alone keep low too' and sure enough, once CJ and Nato had quited and crouched down there really was someone talking. Its was a he and he sounded rushed and frustrated almost angry. ' Father, father no,no,no... father what do i do with it'.
'A, who is he... what can you read?' Nato asked
'Nothing yet... just that he's angry.'
'Maybe if you could see him...'
'It doesnt work like that Nat' i told him but I still slowly pulled on one of the branches and peered through. I couldn't see anyone and whom ever was talking had stopped so I didnt know where exactly to look.

'I think we should leave' said Nato ' we can't get cought, we might as well hang ourselves'
'Shhh... we dont know who it is. Not everyone is with the ward Nato, your paranoid' CJ sounded annoyed but her and Nato were always fighting so she always sounded annoyed.

'Both of you shut it and where's Z' someone tapped me on the shoulder and I gave a little jump. There he was right by side as always when he thought something might happen but that didnt alarm me. He'd think something was wrong if I had a craving for ice cream before i hit the hay. He'd give me a look that said 'Are you okay, whats wrong, whose ass do I need to beat' all in one.
'Jeez Z, you scared me' Z is very quite and doesnt talk much so its easy to lose track of where he is except for when he's happy, you couldnt miss him if you tried but its been a while since he'd even smiled properly. He gave me a nod and pointed towards the whom ever was talking.
I went back to my make shift window and looked for what I'd missed. There seemed to be a small circular clearing the tress had formed but there weren't any people.
'Father... where is she, where...' more talking.

I looked down to where the it was coming from and saw the silhouette of figure lying on the groud. He seemed to be the only one there, kept chanting 'where.... where....' over and over to himself... was he sleeping

Im going over there'
'Anna wait? He might be dangerous'
'Now who's paranoid,huh?' Nato remarked.
'Shut up Nat, not the time.'
' Cj calm down' I said to her
'Dont even try that on me A'
'I wasnt trying anything'
'Mm-hmm, sure' she said sarcastically ' We agreed no games'
'I know I know, I'm sorry. Wont happen again J'
' It better not'
'Guys... well technically girls, the kid is starting to stir and I don't think he's going to take kindly to people who lurk'
'Nato's right' I said trying to keep the conversation away from my so called "games".
'Im going out there' I stood up straight ready to part the leaves but one of them grabbed me and pulled me back down. ' wait, who... Z? What are you doing?' I asked but he just gave me a frown got up and went through himself, of course there he goes again thinking he needed to protect me.

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