I removed all thoughts of Devon from my mind as I laid there with my wonderful boyfriend, who was loyal and kind to me. I smiled to myself as I felt the sleep close in on me. I was happy with Cody, maybe not as happy as I was with Devon, but I was still happy. Devon had screwed things up one too many times now, and I was done. With that thought, I let the drowsiness take over and quickly fell asleep in Cody's arms.

Falling to sleep so peacefully, I was expecting to wake up the same way. I was completely wrong. The sun was hardly even up before Devon threw open Cody's bedroom door, flipped the light on and continued walking down the hallway.

"I'm not cleaning up this shit on my own! Get you asses out of bed and help me!" Devon yelled loudly through the house. It took me a minute to process where I was and how I got here. Suddenly I remembered vividly, the party, Devon and Shelby, Cody and me. I instantly understood why Devon was being so unfriendly.

Sighing I turned over in Cody's arms, which were still circling me, looked at his beautiful face. Of course he was still sleeping, the boy was impossible to wake up.

"Cody!" I whispered after I'd taken a moment to look at his peaceful face. He didn't even budge. I disentangled myself from him and stood up. Leaning over the edge of the bed, I gently shoved his shoulder. He just groaned and rolled over, instantly falling back asleep. I shoved him again, harder this time but he remained motionless. I swear, if I hadn't seen Cody sleep before, I legitimately would've thought that he was dead.

"Get up you lazy ass!" I yelled this time, hitting the back of his head. He just reached back, without opening his eyes and waved me off, like I was some kind of bug. I rolled my eyes at him, feeling a little insulted that he just did that. Usually I wouldn't try this hard to wake him up. I would just let him sleep and go clean by myself but the fact that Devon's out there changed things. If I went out just by myself it would just be me and him, and after last night that's the last thing either of us needed.

After a couple more minutes of Cody not waking up to my pleas I sighed and decided that I was on my own. I would have to leave the room at some point anyway and maybe I wouldn't even see him.

Looking around the room, I tried to find something that would help me wake him up, like water or a blow horn but there was nothing. Instead I saw headphones, which could work to my advantage. I grabbed the headphones and stuffed the buds in my ears, then stuck the disconnected end in my pocket. My plan was to look like I was listening to music so Devon wouldn't try to talk to me.

Figuring I had to leave the room eventually, I glanced back at Cody's seemingly lifeless body one last time before reluctantly opening the door and looking out into the hallway. Looking left and right, I checked that the coast was clear before heading down the hall. The house wasn't nearly as dirty as it had been the night before so obviously Devon had been cleaning for quite some time. I could hear some commotion from the kitchen and knew that it was Devon so I decided to go outside and start cleaning so we wouldn't run into each other.

The backyard was disgusting. There were cups everywhere, random articles of clothing randomly strewn, and puddles of throw up. Looking around, I started gagging. I didn't handle vomit well, it always made me throw up too. I quickly looked away from the puddles and focused on the cups. There was already a trash bag out there, so I grabbed it and began stuffing cups and other unidentifiable objects into it. The pool was also full of cups and as I began to fish them out, I was reminded of that night when I had helped Devon clean the pool. The way that he had looked at me, I could've sworn that in that moment he loved me. That he would never even look at another girl. Then last night he proved me wrong.

I could feel the tears start to roll down my cheeks as I thought about what happened, and actually let the pain come to the surface. I had pushed it all away last night, changed my sadness into anger, but now my emotions were hitting me full force, and before I knew it I was sitting by the pool, sobbing.

My Boyfriend, Me, and His BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now