Hi i'm sorry

14K 106 3

Okay so i know I haven't been online for a while and updated any of my books ik ik I'm sorry I've been away and there was no wifi there which sucked and everything.

I'm typing this really fast and idk what to say because my phone is on 20% and my charger is still in my dads car (I got home early this morning and slept) and I cba getting it and my bladder is full but I'm downstairs and the toilet downstairs doesn't work and I have really bad cramps omg I hate periods so much like I've been telling everyone to stfu for the past hours and I've been emotional sorry sorry mini rant over.

Uhm but I will update ok? Ok. I also have LOADS of new books coming soon so I'm excited for that and my Nerd!Ethan too ok? Ok.

Well my phones about to die so I'll be on later today and hopefully update for you all.

How has your summer been?
(Sleeping and Netflix)

Uhm byeeeee I love you all so much thankyou to the people who sent me messages etc asking why I haven't been on and other things - you know who you are

Thankyou for the 200k also!! I love you all so much and I am so grateful for it! Please help my imagines grow and that idk haha

I'm so tired so byee

- Ella xx

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