Secret Admirer.

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"Okay, what do I wear?" My best-friend, Liam scratched his head as he stood in front of his closet.

"Do you want me to choose?" I raised an eyebrow. He nodded. I searched his closet and took out some jeans, white tee shirt and a denim jacket. He took it from me and went to the bathroom to change.

Today Liam is going to approach his crush.

One day, he told me he had a massive crush on a girl and refused to tell me her name. He asked me to guide him so he can ask the mystery girl out for a date.

That day, after he confessed his crush to me, I went home after school and locked myself up in my room and cried my eyes out. He didn't know that I have a crush on him. I didn't have dinner that night.

I decided that I'll guide him. If he is happy, I'm happy too. Although I wish all the best for him, I'll admit I am jealous and am hoping secretly that the girl would turn down his proposal.

Soon he came back from the washroom. I was breathless, he looked so beautiful. His jacket's sleeve was rolled up and his hair was gelled to perfection.

"I look o-okay?" Liam stuttered.

"Liam, you look gorgeous." I assured him.

"Thanks, Andy. I hope she thinks that too."

I half smiled, a pain going through my chest.

"C'mon, we'll be late for school."


It was lunch now. I was giving Liam a prep talk.

"Okay, okay enough with this shit. Now go up to her, compliment her about her hair and ask her to dinner!" I gave him a thumbs up.

He took a deep breath and started to walk towards Angela, the school's most beautiful and popular girl.

I smiled and looked down, my eyes stinging with tears. Of course he'd go for her. All the boys do.

Suddenly, he turned around and started to walk towards me. I shook my head rapidly. No, no! This can't happen, he can't back out now! Not after my one month guiding.

Before I had the chance to question him, he took my hands in his, "H-hey, um your hair looks really pretty and I was wondering if you would f-fancy a dinner with me?"

I was beyond shocked. My head was spinning and I couldn't focus.

After I broke from my little moment of shock, I nodded my head and pressed my lips to his. The kiss was sweet, no tongue. His warm lips moving against mine made my stomach explode with butterflies and electricity burst through my veins.

He pulled back and leaned his forehead against mine.

"I love you, Andrea."

"I love you more, Liam."

---------- THE END --------

So this was it! I hope you enjoyed it! It was very short and boring. Please vote and comment.

Neha, xx

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