I took this time to think a little. Kichida had never explained to me why he hated my father so much, but it was obvious that there was some beef between them. It’s not like my father was a bad guy - he tried to make all of his products eco-friendly, and he donated a lot of the money and products he made to charity.

Still, for some reason, Kichida wanted my father dead.

Finally the police showed up. I didn’t put up a fight as I was arrested and handcuffed, and shoved into the back of a cruiser.

When we arrived at the  police station, I was un-cuffed and escorted into a small room where the police chief was already waiting for me. He was a friend of my dad’s, and I had known him since I was little.

“Naoko Tanaka. This is the fourth time you’ve been arrested in the past two years. The other times were for smuggling weapons, though, and we let you off easy then. This time you attempted to kill your own father. I know that you’re not a bad kid- you get good grades, you were never a bully or a vandal, you even seem to be a decently mannered person.” I rolled my eyes. I got this same lecture every time I was brought in here.

“I just think you’re associated with the wrong people. That is why I’ve taken the liberty of enrolling you in one of the world’s finest boarding schools.” When I just stared at him blankly, the chief elaborated. “It’s in America.”

And that is how I came to find myself on my way to America with a guard named Masaaki, who was told to keep an eye on me.

Well, this can’t be any worse than facing Kichida again.



 - Baltimore, Maryland

He saw me. I ran for cover behind a dumpster, but it was too late. He had seen me. My breathing was coming raggedly  as I began to think of what was inevitable. I had nothing but the dumpster for cover, and I knew that he'd be here within seconds.

I heard the light pounding of footsteps to my right, and I looked up slowly, dreading what I was about to see. There he was, standing right over me, gun pointed at my chest.

“Hey Sage.” He said casually, an arrogant smirk on his face.

“Please don’t.” I said quietly, but I knew it was useless.

“Sorry.” He said with a chuckle, and then he pulled the trigger.

A bright orange paint ball hit me in the shoulder and exploded all over my padded vest.

“I hate you, Shane.” I said, and Shane just smirked.

“I’m just playing the game.” He held out a hand, and I took it. He pulled me to my feet and grinned at me. “Looks like I win again.”

“That’s only because I lost my gun.” I walked across the alley to where my gun had been dropped. I picked it up and hooked it onto my belt.

“Sure. You can think whatever you want, but both of us will know it’s because I’m just so much better than you.”

“You wish. Everyone knows I am the paintball champion of the east coast.” I smiled proudly, and Shane rolled his eyes. “Hey,” I said, realizing that we were the only two people around. “Where are Aaron and Taylor?”

Aaron is my older brother, and Taylor Quinn is his girlfriend. During the two years that Taylor had been dating Aaron, we had become as close as sisters. Aaron was a senior, and Taylor and I were both juniors. The three of us, along with Shane, go to Baltimore Academy, one of the best boarding schools in the world.

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