AcE's P.O.V

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Chapter 2

Ace chair

Hi! Im Catrina, but you can call me cat. Catrina just sounds to formal, anyway, down to business. As you probably already know, I am a member of the S.D.A so that’s why I am called ace. We are a group of people that are tired of this girl bullying us. We are working together to stop it.

                I have a pet bat named Felix. He would be a great spy if he could speak English. I have short choppy brown hair with neon green highlights. I ’ma little over 5’2. Im a MAJOR gamer, so that’s why my grades aren’t so good. It’s not that im stupid, I just get distracted.

                So you might ask what this bully did to me, and you might also be wondering why im not using her name. If you have to know her name, check out jade’s chapter, she can tell you. Anyway, so thins bully hits me, pushes me, and purposefully annoys me. She WAS somewhat a friend, but just got really annoying after time and I feel bad about what we are planning but I think it’s needed. But she hits people and insults their art work when hers sucks. The members of the S.D.A are also annoyed with her constantly flirting with ALL of the boys, with and without girlfriends, random strangers, and teachers! One time she took it too far and stole my boyfriend from behind my back. She didn’t tell me but she told my friends. Then told them not to tell me! Who does that?! She said she felt like a bitch, but I knew that that was a lie. She said she was and I quote “desperate.”

                Yea, you don’t know how many times she has done this to me, I wonder if she has ever heard of putting her friends before boys?

                I feel bad that she wants attention this bad, but she is getting it the wrong way. She only thinks about herself. She used to be a good friend, but she slowly started to slip off that path. If you tell her the guy you like, she will go flirt and try to take him away from you. Even if she doesn’t like him only cause she wants to be the happy one.

                Im sorry for complaining. So tell me do you like to eat doughnuts or pickles better? Oh my rainbows what if they made some sort of mixture between those two! Oh crap I gotta run! Tengo hambre!

-Catrina (Cat) Ace

-oh and Felix says bye!

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