JoKeR's P.O.V

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Hello there! Welcome to the S.D.A also known as the She Devil Alliance. You have been chosen to take part in this secret alliance.

That is the message each newcomer to the alliance receives. Hi I’m Jade, one of the creators of this alliance. Along with a couple other people. Amelia, Catrina but we call her cat, Ariel, and together we form the 5 person alliance.

If you read the prologue you might have noticed that it was a conversation between Joker, King, Queen, Ace, and Jack. I’ll tell you about them in a due time. However, first let me show you the rest of the newcomers later.

The following people are your partners in this alliance,

Joker- Jade- diamond

Jack- Amelia- Half of a heart

Ace- Catrina- Clover

Queen- Ariel- Other half of heart (In case you were wondering where the other half was)


Those look familiar? That’s us. Im Jade and Joker. Diamond, heart, spade, and clover are our according to Amelia ‘Royal Marks’.  Next are the rules.

Never snitch to anyone outside of the alliance

Trust yourself and chose who in the alliance you want to trust

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