"Princess, I don't like you at all" He shrugs, getting up and taking his sketchbook as he walks out of the room.

Ouch, that hurt.

I ignore the ache from his words and walk to the cafeteria, seeing Carter already there, a girl attached to his hip. When he sees me staring, he sends me a wink and I quickly look away and walk to my table sitting next to Oliver.

"Hey" He grins, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.


"Girl, you look like death" Mark says, and I roll my eyes.

"I'm aware of that thank you" I roll my eyes.

"What happened?" Ella asks.

"Couldn't sleep" I shrug, keeping it short considering we're still not on good terms. I lean into Oliver, resting my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes, he leans his head on top of mine and chuckles.

"I'll wake you up when lunch is over" He whispers, kissing my head.

"I won't go to sleep" I shake my head, but end up falling asleep on his shoulder.

"Come on Brogan, lunch is over" Oliver shakes me awake. I stand up and yawn stretching out my body.

"You know, I had hoped that the power nap would've helped, but it only made me more tired" I yawn again, as Oliver walks with me to art.

"You poor baby" He chuckles, pulling me into him.

"Ugh, I don't even want to go to art" I groan.

"I don't want to go to science but I am anyways"

We reach my art class, and Oliver hugs me "Stay safe Kiddo" He kisses my forehead.

"Oh yeah, god forbid I get paint on my fingers" I roll my eyes playfully.

He chuckles shaking his head "I'll see you later"

"Bye Oli" I wave.

I walk into the room, at the same time someone walks out, both our binders falling out of hands.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry" I apologize, handing the guy his binder.

"It's alright, I wasn't paying attention"

"I'm Andrew" He smiles, holding out his hand "Just moved here"

"Oh yeah, what grade?" I ask.


"Oh, I'm still a Junior, but uh I don't want to keep your teachers waiting, so I'll see you around" I smile, picking up my binder and walking to my seat.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out seeing a message from Oliver.

From: Olive Oil

    Come to my house? I have Sour Patch Kids and The Breakfast Club.

To: Olive Oil

    On Blu-ray?

From: Olive Oil

    Is there any other ray?

To: Olive Oil


I slide my phone back into my pocket, and listen to Ms. George, waiting for the bell to ring.


"What?" I whine "Oli you lied"

"Sorry" He shrugs.

I came to his house after school liked planned, only to see he has no Sour Patch Kids and no The Breakfast Club.

"We can go to my backyard" He suggests.

"Race ya to the swings" I giggle, running through the house.

"Hey! No running" Ms. Rachel, Oli's mom, yells and I slow down, walking out onto their deck before picking up speed and running to the swing set, taking the left one as usual.

"So, why'd you look so down at lunch?"

"I was really tired" I shrug.

"I know that's a lie" He rolls his eyes.

"Carter just said some stuff" I shrug.

"Brogan, stop worrying about him, he's not worth it"

We talk a little more, about childhood memories, and our plans for summers, and once it gets late I make my way home. I walk up the steps, saying hi to Lilah as I walk into my room. She tells me she's going out and will be back tomorrow, before leaving the house.

I walk into my room, and to my balcony to check for a box, I've gotten one box everyday, and was not surprised when I saw one on my patio chair.

I open the box, seeing a half empty bottle of Jack Daniel's, I shrug picking it up, but dropping it as quickly as I picked it up, after seeing the bottom of the bottle in covered in blood.

I scramble to grab my phone, dialing Carters number, I groan when it goes to voicemail and try again, having the same results. I try again and he finally answers, but doesn't sound to happy.

"What?" He growls.

"I got a box"


"So! It's a fucking half empty bottle of whiskey with blood on it!" I yell.

"Is there blood inside the bottle?"


"Good, now you can fucking drink some and chill the fuck out!" He yells and hangs up.

I pick up the note, seeing the same handwriting along the lines.

'I told you they'd get worse, but this is just the beginning.

                Love, ACM'



I hope you liked this chapter.

It's not how I planned it, I had a plan in my head, but it changed as I was writing this lol.

Love, Bad_Boy_Hemmo

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