Ch. 1: Neighbors

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Kalos; the land of love, innovation, and new beginnings.

This was moderately true for the new Kalosian, Serena, who had just moved to probably the smallest town in Kalos: Vaniville.
Her mother was a very successful Rhyhorn racer from Sinnoh.
Of course, with a region with utmost most culture, Rhyhorn racing was popular!
This was tremendous for Serena, her mother, and their loving Fletchling.

Just one thing -
Serena HATED it.

Why, you ask?
Well, for starters, she had to give up her childhood dream of becoming Sinnoh's champion just so her mother could make a slightly better living.
Other things were that she left all of her friends, and she was expected to become a Rhyhorn racer like her mother!

Despite this, she had to go, although remarkably sad upon departure.
Being furiously dragged behind, she and her mother finally unpacked into their new house.
Stone frame, green door, working fireplace.
It was nice and cozy.
Of course, Grace (Serena's mother) expected her to stay in their safe, cozy little home; but she thought wrong.

"Chirp! Chirp chiiiiirp!"
The morning came - 9:03 AM.
Grace's Fletchling hit Serena's forehead, in a playful manner - it definitely hurt though!
"Oooow! Fletchie!" Serena puffed up her cheeks, getting out of her floral printed bed.

Sighing, she looked in the mirror.
"Kalos, huh..." She watched her mouth in the reflecting glass.
Closing her eyes and setting her 3DS down, she got out of her pajamas and went downstairs to meet her mother.
Despite the fact that she hated Kalos so far, she was still in great terms with Grace.

"Good morning, mom!" She cheerfully greeted, coming downstairs in her casual dress (red and black) with her cutesy hat, and sunglasses.
"Oh, good morning Serena!" She smiled. "I heard our neighbor's son wanted to meet you. Why don't you go see him?"

The honey-blonde smiled, gathering her things together in a Tote bag.
She stepped outside, and not one, but two people her age were standing there.
One was a short girl, with a crazy hairstyle, who was wearing a pink shirt with ribbons on it. Her eyes were a delightful emerald color.
One was a boy with raven colored hair, wearing a high neck blue jacket.
Something about the boy interested her - she didn't know what, though.

"Calem, Calem! It's her!" The girl exclaimed.

'I suppose his name is Calem, then.' Serena thought to herself.

"Shauna, don't shout out like that. It's rude." He replied.
"Anyway - hi. My name's Calem, and I'm your next door neighbor. This is---"
"SHAUNA! I'm Shauna!"
She sure was a cheerful one.
"Yeah. We were sent here to pick you up by Professor Sycamore, Mega Evolution researcher. He asked five of us, two more in Aquacorde, for help with his research."
"Yep! And, guess what? We get our own Pokemon---"
Shauna was in a happy, delighted tone, when all of a sudden she stopped and turned her head.
"Uuum, what's your name?"

The new Vaniviller smiled.

They both smiled back.
"C'mon-- let's go!"
Shauna dashed off; speedy little girl!
Calem looked after her, eyeing Serena again. They way he looked at her at that exact moment was a bit peculiar - but, oddly kind of cute.

"See you at Aquacorde,


sooo yeah
kalosshipping is super cute
wrote this bc alice [vaniville ]
she likes kalosshipping so yeah
disclaimer: in description!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2016 ⏰

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