Chapter 4: The New Director...Lady in Red...

Start from the beginning

Mrs. Williams continued putting Sofia down and being negative about the Auction and Center which was making Christian really pissed off. Not being able to take it any longer he decided to excuse himself from the Congressman and the other men who had joined their conversation to walk up to the women.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Williams? Your husband wanted you over to where he is at." he tells her politely which he didn't want to do.

"Thank you Mr. Dornan." she smiles and then looks at the ladies. "Ladies...I will see you later. You better hope everything goes well tonight." she glares at Sofia and then smiles at him as she passes by. She is something else...

He looks at Sofia who is shaking her head from side to side with a sad expression and then sighs.

"Guess we have to prove her wrong." she says and smiles at them, even Christian who she didn't know.

"Don't let that witch bring you down mamita. You've done an amazing job..." Sara tells her.

"Yes Sofia, you have. She's hard to please. Even if this Fundraiser becomes a success, which it will...she will find something to complain about." Veronica follows.

"I suppose..." she sighs again then looks at Christian noticing that he was standing there staring at her. She tilts her head to the side and stares back. He had to admit that her doing that made him a bit nervous.

"Where are my manners. My name is Christian Dornan..." he introduced himself as he stuck his hand out to shake hers.

She realized what he was doing and then looked at his hand then back at him. "Mr. Dornan, very nice to meet you. So glad you were able to make it to this Auction." she says taking his hand to shake it but he instead held it in his hand and kissed it.

It looked like she blushed and retracts her hand slowly from his as he continued to stare at her.

"Christian, this is Sofia Martinez." Veronica tells him as she looked between him and Sofia.

" is very nice to meet your acquaintance." he tells her honesty and smiled at her.

"Wow...I thought you never smiled Christian?!" Veronica tells him and he glares back at her.

"Well, I need to go sit down...Christian, Sofia, Sara, I will see you later." Veronica smiled and starts walking away.

"Hold on, I'll go with you!" Sara said behind her. "Nice meeting you Mr. Dornan. Sofia, see you in a bit." she said then leaves with Veronica.

They watched as they both walk away and left them standing there in an awkward silence.

Christian is not a man of many words, but, he would like to get to know Sofia more.

Clearing his throat he turned to look at her. "So, I take it that you are in charge of this Event?"

"I am, among other things." she replied still looking forward as if she was nervous to speak to him.

"Well, it is nicely decorated...and it seems like everything looks in order." he tells her surveying the Ballroom.

"Thank you Mr. Dornan. I couldn't have done it without my crew. They are amazing and a great help when I need them." she turned to look at him and smiled. "God I love her smile!" he thought to himself.

He continued to stare at her which made her uncomfortable since she looked away.

"I apologize if I'm making you feel uncomfortable..." he tells her taking a step closer to her.

"You are not..." she responded but he knew she was lying.

Christian chuckled at her cuteness. "Did I just say cuteness?" thinking to himself.

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