“I don’t think they care right now but Micky, thank you. I don’t know why I keep saying thank you but I do. I’m sorry for I don’t know. I just wish I could give you everything you need and desire”

“Ella, I have everything right here with you. I don’t care if we can’t have kids, we can always adopt or use a surrogate mother. You are my world and my passion. You are the one I’m spending my life with, if we get to have kids, great, if not we can do what I stated before. Ella as long as your safe, that’s all I care about”

“Mr Parsons, I’m gonna have to ask you to go home right now. Ella’s gonna be getting treatment in five minutes and it has to be a protected area. I apologise about this”

“It’s no worries. I’ll see you later princess,” I said as I kissed her on the head.

“I love you Micky”

“I love you too, now stay brave”

“I always am,” She said with a wary smile. I knew she wasn’t going to be as tough as she thought, she didn’t know the size of those damn needles. They were quite big.

    I was walking home listening to music through my headphones, I know we haven’t uploaded a cover since the one I made for Ella but with everything happening, it’s sort of forgotten about. We haven’t forgotten about our fans, Greg and Dan still talk to them. I try to but my mind always goes back to Ella and how she’s coping. I know she’s gonna be in pain so I don’t think it’s wise to visit her again tonight since the treatment will probably knock her out.

   I walked in Ella’s house, well the place she and I will be sharing with Rachel, Ben and Maria to find them all huddled round Ella’s laptop on Twitcam. Ella would kill them if she knew they were ransacking through her laptop.

“I hope you told Ella you were using her laptop,” I said mischievously. They all jumped and looked round at me. I was stood at the door watching them, their faces was a picture.

“Calm down, I was joking. Ella wouldn’t mind as long as you put it back where you got it. However, since you’re all on twitcam, can I say something? Dan, you probably know what I’ll be addressing”

“Micky, you sure? We could’ve done it for you,” Dan said.

“It needs to come from my mouth but give me a second; I’ll be back in five minutes” I made my way up to Ella’s bedroom; I was looking for pictures of her and I when we were kids. I know she’s not thrown them away, I doubt she could if she tried. I rummaged through her bedside table and found two pictures of us, one her parents snapped when she was with me at the age of two and the second of us at our prom. I don’t know why these pictures were so significant to her but it was sweet. My mum had all our pictures stuffed away in a photo album in a drawer. It was sweet to be honest with you but I knew those pictures would come out for the wedding. It was scary having them come out.

   I made my way back downstairs after looking at the pictures for a while. Ella’s normally a little chubbier than what she is right now but I know that’s because of the cancer. I just hope for the miracle.

    I sat myself down in front of Ella’s laptop and prepared myself, this was gonna be weird telling our life story to random strangers. It has to be done. I nodded towards Dan to let him know I was ready and he let the others know.

Together Again - District3 - Micky ParsonsWhere stories live. Discover now