“You should go sometime, it’s perfect.” Will said, the atmosphere began to get awkward again; and thankfully Will and James had just finished their dinner. “Thanks, dinner was lovely. We’re going to go upstairs and play on the PS3.”

     “Ok, see you later honey.” Zoey kissed her son on the head, and then Will and his best friend left the room, racing up the stairs to Will’s bedroom.

    Once they arrived, Will turned the TV and PS3 on, enthusiastic about playing. James looked down at his phone and smiled at a text he had just been sent. And after that, they both sat on the bed; Will chucked James a handset from the floor and it landed in James’ hands.

     “Hey, Will.” James started, with a smirk on his face.

     “What’s up?” Will replied, raising an eyebrow curiously.

     “Can Chloe come round?” James asked, crossing his fingers.

     “What, Ellie’s best friend?” Will replied.

     “Yeah, my girl.” James smiled,

     “No,” Will answered almost suddenly.

     “Aw, why not man?” James moaned,

     “Because Ellie comes home today and if she finds out Chloe’s here she’s going to hate me forever, and I can’t let that happen.” Will explained,

     “How will she find out?” James asked, “I thought you weren’t allowed contact with Elle”

     “Well you know how girls all, they blab. Chloe will blab to Ellie on how she’s been here, Ellie will get upset and send me an angry text saying she doesn’t want to see me ever again; the end.” Will shrugged his shoulders.

     “Aw, please Will. I’ll do anything” James begged,

     Will sighed, “You are not going to give up, are you?”


     Will sighed, “Fine,”

     “I love you, man.” James hit Will’s arm softly before texting Chloe to come over.

     Twenty minutes later, she arrived with her hair down to her shoulders and a smile bright up on her face, she headed up to Will’s bedroom without hesitation and knocked on the door loudly.

     “Come in,” Will said twiddling his fingers on the PS3 handset.

     The mousey brown haired, middle sized, blue eyed teen strutted in confidently, sitting herself down on Will’s bed beside James.

     “Hey,” She chirped cheerfully.

    She leaned towards James and kissed his lips softly, “Hey, babe.” James replied with a grin.

     “I thought Ellie was going to be here,” Chloe look confused, cocking her left eyebrow.

     “She’s probably still on the plane back from Miami,” Will replied, “She can’t know your here anyway,”

     “Why?” She asked as her eyebrows knitted together,

     “Just think, Chloe. A girl, in my house, in my room, she’ll hate me forever.” Will explained.

     “Oh, alright; I understand.” Chloe smiled, touching her finger to her nose. “Don’t you worry, William. Your secret is safe with me.”

     “Thank you so much, Chloe” Will sighed with relief. “And don’t call me William.”

     “I can’t count on that but no problem. Now where’s my handset?” Chloe said,

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