Chapter 8

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Kylies Pov

We arrived at the restaurant. We walked in and Tyga sat down not to happy about Khloe interrupting us.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom before our food comes" I say as I walk off.

Khloes pov

"Im sorry for interrupting Tyga" I laughed.

"I could of killing you Khlo it wuda been our first time and her first time" he sighed.

"Wait wat u mean her first time?" I looked at Tyga.

"Well like she's a virgin so?" Tyga said confidently.

"Ty..she ain't a virgin.." I stared at him.

"What? But I only left for like a few months? Who could she of fucked between then?" He got angry now.

"Ty she has been with guys since you left. She has been partying a lot. And bringing guys home or going to there's. She's totally not a Virgin." I was scared saying this.

"'d think she'd tell me no?!" Tyga was fairly pissed now.

"Ty you can't expect her to wait up for you? Like she had to continue her life? Who knew who you were fucking and getting pregos" I said making sure he understood.

"I didn't fuck no bitches. I waited for Kylie for her 18th and then  I had to go on tour I thought she'd wait?!" He punched the table and walked outside.

Tyga pov

I can't beileve I thought she was a Virgin. No! I can't beileve she never told me! I sat on the curbe outside the restaurant. I looked back inside and saw that Kylie was sitting down talking to Khloe and then looked out and saw me.

She walked out and asked if everything was ok.

"Yep just amazing" I blurted out.

"Yeah well I've been told your pissed because I ain't your virgin Kylie no more?!" She seemed angry and I didn't want her to be but I couldn't help my self.

"I left because I had to! I thought you'd wait!" She glared at me.

"Oh you expected me to wait for you to be my first when you were gone for like 6months! You told me we could be together maybe when u got back! But I got no answer!" She was so angry.

"Can we talk about this later please? I don't want to argue outside the restaurant" I asked quietly.

"No! Let's not speak bout it at all! I'm sick of you always finding shit and getting angry! Me and you need a break!" She stormed inside and spoke to Khloe. I put my head in my hands as we basically just broke up.

Kylie pov

I'm so angry at Ty.

"Did You's sort it out?" Khloe asked.

"Yep we did then I broke up with him" I'd give her a fake ass smile.

"YOU DID WHAT NOW?!" Khloe screamed at me.

"Girl calm I'm staying at yours tonight." I said calmly.

We walked out of the restaurant and I walkd straight passed Ty and got into the car. Ty got into the back of Khloe's Range Rover because she brought us. She drove up Tygas drive way. He was getting out and then went to the passenger seat.

"Not staying here tonight?" He said sadly.

"We ain't together so why wud I?" I said angry.

"Your stuff is here..two people who love you are here.." He said looking at the ground.

"Bye Ty " I said and Khloe drove next door to her house.

Tyga pov

Can't beileve I lost her. I was doing so good and I had to get angry. I miss her so heart hurts even. I hate being away from her.

Kylie pov

"Khloe I'm going out to the club tonight you coming?" I asked as if everything was normal.

"Kylie You's just broke up? You really going out to bang guys now?!" She was so serious.

"Well he got angry I wasn't a Virgin, we ain't together? So yeah I am." I said and went upstairs to get ready as it's 6pm.

Khloe pov

Shit! I may tell Tyga.
Khloe: Ty? You may go out to the club tonight!
Tyga: Why?
Khloe: Kylie's going and since You's ain't together she will properly get with guys.
Tyga: Shit really?!
Khloe: Yeah so make sure that guy is you okay?!
Tyga: Yeah of course.

Phone convo over*

"Kylie I'll go with you then" I shout up at Kylie.

"Ah great. Going to have a great time!" She shouted back. It was now 8pm and me and Kylie were ready to go.

I was wearing a black dress that basically stuck to me. Kylie was wearing a red dress that showed a lot of cleavage and stuck to her ass.

Kylie pov

Me and Khloe get in the car and our driver brings us to the club. When we get in the place is so alive. Lights shining everywhere. People making out in the corner and up in the rooms. Music blaring.

"Kylie follow me" Khloe shouted and grabbed my wrist.

I followed and she led me to a table and we sat down with French Montana, Chris brown, Niki minaj, and who walks down to the Table? Of course it's Tyga.

"Hey look really great" he says nervously.

"Thanks Ty don't look to bad yourself." I say to not make things awkward.

"Hey Ky come out to the dance floor" asks Nicki.

She grabbed my hand and we danced as she trying speaking to me.

"Look Ky Tygas in love with you girl he's so sad right now. He heard you were here for banging guys and he's trying to be the guy so he can stop you making a mistake." I look at Nicki and believe her because she is always straight up with me.

"Thanks Nicki and it depends on how drunk I get but I wasn't going to bang anyone." I say softly.

"Good because Tyga is falling for you and falling hard in fact." She laughs.

We dance for a bit until Tyga comes over to me. I look at him but someone steps in front of me. Tall guy blond hair, big blue eyes, very white teeth.

"Hey gorgeous" he says and lays one hand on my waist. Tyga stands back and watches.

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