Chapter two: Thursday.

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Sarah has never been this happy in her life and all her friends know it. The first person to know is obviously Jessica. Sarah can't help but giggle and smile through the entire story. When its over, Jessica can hardly speak.

"Sarah! That's amazing! How come he didnt give you a heads up a when he paid for everything.

"I don't know. But I can't think about that know. I'm just so happy. I'm spending two weeks with the love of my life in one of the most beautiful places in the world. My life couldn't be more perfect right now."

Slowly more and more people found out. Every once in a while people would walk up to Sarah and ask if the rumors were tree. She answered the same way evey time.

"Depends on the rumor."

She was so full of herself that she hadn't a care in the world. She floated throught the halls and daydreamed in class, never really caring what anyone else had to say.

By lunchtime, Sarahs vacations seemed tobe the juciest pice of gossip and everyone was talking about it. Usually She hated gossip but right now Sarah couldnt be more happy with the way this was going. Everyone was so happy for her and all her friends joked about being overly jealous. Not once did she considered that today would be one of the worst days of her life.

After lunch Sarah took her usual bathroom break before English. She hated sitting throuhg that boring class and needed as much free time before it as she could get. When she walked into the bathroom nothing seemed out of the ordinary. She stood in front of the sink fixing her make-up in the mirror. Until she saw them, the suspicious black boots in the third stall. SHe slowed each movement of her hand until she completely stopped. She watched them out of the corner of her eye making sure they didnt move, but eventually they did. She didnt dare move but she tried to look like she was doing something, anything,

The door swing open slowly, she can't see the persons face. They are dressed in all black. Who and why and what and oh my. im freaking out..

Thousands of questions. No answers.

It was him. HE was in the bathroom at her school staring at her. How could he? DOes he know everything? about the vacation? anout parker? No. I know the answer to all those. Yes. He does. He knows absolutely everything there is to know about me. I'm dead. this is it. Bye Parker. I love you

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