Year Three

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Hey guys. i started writing this story and i am not sure if i should finish it or not so read it and tell me what you think.

This isn't supposed to be like this Sarah thought to herself. She sat on the edge of the bed not daring to move. She was scared for her life. She was supposed to celebrating her third year anniversery with the love of her life but instead she'd been kidnapped and locked in a dark room. It's already been two days so she knows that Parker is worried and looking for her. Just as she stood up to feel around the room, a door opened and a tall brauny figured walked in. Slamming the door behind him the man marched his way to the bed.

"Don't worry," he said, "this will only hurt a little

That Monday started like every other Monday. Sarah got up, took a shower, and did whatever she needed to do to get ready for school. The only strange thing was, she hadn’t seen or heard from her boyfriend of three years, Parker. It had been three days and she was worried. Every morning he would call her and say good morning. Then he would do something to make her laugh and ask how she was doing. She would say some sappy thing like “amazing, knowing that I still have you” and he would tell her how much he loved her. After three days of not hearing his voice or seeing his face she was sick to her stomach. She ate nothing for breakfast because she didn’t want to puke when she arrived at school. Jessica knew this was hard for her so she did everything she could to make Sarah feel better. But almost nothing worked. By lunchtime Jessica had decided Sarah needed to go home. Sarah called her mom and was gone in fiteen minutes. Jessica knew that things werent going to get better until she talked to Parker so time and time again Jessica called but got no answer. even Jessica became worried. it wasnt like him to be so quiet and keep to himself like that. 

The school day went by without incident and the minute she got home, Jessica called Sarah.

"Sarah, have you heard from him yet?"

"No. I have called him and txted him a hundred times but he wont answer. I'm really scared and I think something has happened."

At that very moment Sarah recieved a text message. It was from Parker. Sarah didn't dare open it, thinking it wasnt real. Jessica heard the worry in Sarah's voice as she read what it said, outloud.

"I'll see you Friday    

She couldnt understand what was happeneing. Sarah was scared and worried. Was he alright? Was this a joke?

Little did she know, Sarah was soon to find out.

Its Thursday, Sarah thought. Tomorrow will be Friday. She didnt sleep at all last night. How could she? The love of her life is missing and their three year annivesery is tomorrow. How would she go one without him? There was no answer to that question because she can't. She wont. She will find him.

*Phone rings*

"Parker?" Sarahs voice is uneasy. She isn't sure if this is real. What's going on? Is this him? Is he alright? Thousands of questions flood through her mind.

"Sarah? OH it sure feels good to hear your voice. Listen, i dont have a lot of time but i want to apoligize for not seeing or calling or baely even texting. I've just been so busy lately. The other reason i called is to tell you about your present. As you know our third year anniversery is tomorrow and i didnt want it so sappy and average like every other anniversery. I want this year to be special. Im taking you on  trip to Hawaii. We are going to be spending two weeks doing whatever you want and a few things I've paid for ahead of time. I love you so much and i know you've got a thousand questions but all you need to know is have your bags packed by noon tomorrow. I love you Sarah. See you soon."

Sarah hears the click and knows hes gone. She's left with so many mixed emotions but she trusts Parker so she forgets everything and suddenly becomes overwhelmed with happiness. She finally realizes what is going on. Her Parker is safe. She is going on an amazing vacation to a place shes only been able to dream about. This day is going to be amazing.

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