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I close my eyes,

And try to forget all the lies.

I find myself wishing they were true,

And remember the time when

you and I stuck to each other like glue.

Now I sulk all day,

Listening to the blues.

Yesterday you were everything to me,

Today I have no clue.

If it was yesterday,

You would be standing outside

with a placard saying sorry.

You would hug me and

say "don't worry,

I know I messed up,

but it makes a great story."

This is how all our fights went,

You messed up.

We dressed up,

you took me out.

We danced to the music

And laughed out loud.

That's when you met her,

Dancing by our side.

One week later

you turn up to my door,

Crying that you can't hide it anymore.

So I let you go,

because I deserved more.

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