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Taylor's POV

I was feeling much better after a few hours of relaxing in Karlie's bed and eating. Karlie was so nice to me, she even baked cookies only for me . I was in heaven. During my sleeping time, I was woken up by some loud sound and Karlie's voice.

"Taylor? I'm sorry to wake you up, but somebody is calling you," she said, holding my phone in her right hand. She handled it to me and I looked at the display before answering the call to know who is calling me. Kaira.

"Mm... Hello?" I yawned.

"Taylor! What the hell? It's one o'clock!"

"But I-"

"Listen, I don't want to hear about how you had sex with someone. I'm calling you to tell you that we're having a big party this night and if you can get up from the bed, you can come."

"Thanks but-"

"You can bring your boy with you if you want."

"I don't think that's-"

"Okay, call me later. Love you!"


The call was ended.

Karlie chuckled. "Your friend is not really waiting for anything, huh?" I nodded in response, placing the phone next to the bed. "So you heard what she was saying."

"Yeah," Karlie nodded too, walking closer to the bed. I sat on it, only to look into Karlie's beautiful eyes. "And if you feel okay, then I think we can go there."

"You do?"

Karlie leaned over to connect our lips in a long, passionate way. Her fingers were in my hair, taking control of me, while her eyes were closed and her body was pushing against mine. "I do," she whispered against my lips.

Then, she stood up again. "When is the party starting?"

"I don't know," I said, shrugging my shoulders. "I'll text Kaira."


"Oh my God, TayTay! You made it!" Another of my friends, Emily, said when me and Karlie walked into flat number 53. She hugged me tightly, noticing someone behind me. "And you are...?"

"Karlie, Karlie Kloss," she said as they shook hands. "I'm Taylor's... friend. And boss actually."

"Well, it's nice to meet you!" Emily smiled and then left.

"So, what kind of party is this?" Karlie asked me while we were walking through the flat. I was waving at someone from time to time, which Karlie found weird and super college-like. "Like, a single-college-people-party? Or i-don't-need-a-man type thing?"

I chuckled. She acted like a dad who just brought his daughter to Barbie land. "It's just a normal party. Some of the people here are my old college classmates, but I don't know most of them."

It was funny knowing that in our relationship, this was like the first thing I was more experienced in. My friends usually took me to a lot of parties, to socialize and have a little fun. Since I met Karlie, my life was all around meetings, wearing black color, formal meetings, eating lunch with my boss, casual meetings, getting used to her preferences, boring meetings, drinking coffee and much more meetings.

"I'm just not too used for parties like this. I haven't been on one for a long time."

"Don't worry, K. Fake a smile, grab a drink and socialize! It'd be weird if you will be standing behind me the whole night."

Karlie nodded, and without saying anything, she dissappeared.

I was having such a great time. I haven't got the chance to meet all my old friends in one place, and now talking to them and knowing that they're working, engaged or even having a baby makes me want to go back to school and just re-live my college life. Because it was perfect.

Apparently, my friend Monica, who was really good at French, is pregnant with a baby. Her boyfriend that she's going to marry soon is from France and she is planning on moving to France with him once they have the baby.

My great friend Josh, the school athlete, stopped doing sports, grabbed a backpack and travelled the world to find the best food in the world. After gaining a few pounds, he decided to open a brand new restaurant. He promised that whenever we'll wisit it, we will get the food for free. Isn't that great?

And last but not least, Alli, one of the biggest school nerds, is now developing a new computer brand. The only thing that is missing is the name for it. She has already three picks, but she wants to choose it by herself, so she decided not to tell her picks to anyone. Alli also told us that she is very excited for it and she literally can't wait for it.

I was happy for all of them. I mean, we're all the same age, the best age to discover, find yourself, travel, cook, play, learn... And they've all happened to have so many adventures during the few passed months. But... me? I've barely left the town. I work in a office and my boss is my lover. The end.

I decided to leave my chatting group for a sec and go get some drink. As I was grabbing the cup from the table, I saw a few boys looking at me. And one of them... one of them even walked to me.

"Hi, my name is Edward," he said, scratching the back of his neck. He was pretty handsome... but I wasn't interested.

"Hi - Taylor," I said, smiling at him slightly before drinking.

"So, are you here with somebody?" Edward asked me, locking his eyes with mine.

"I... I..." his body was dangerously close to mine, I could smell his perfume and his breath. "I'm here with... my friend."

"Oh! Great! I'm also here with my friend. His name is Kayson. Whoa, we should make them fall in love, right?"

I chuckled, knowing that it won't happen. "Well I don't think that-"

He moved even closer to me, our faces were only a few inches apart. "Or we should just fall in love with each other."

"No, no, no... that's not a good idea... I... no..." I mumbled as his lips were trying to connect with mine.

"No... no..."


I didn't know how that happened, but suddenly, Edward was lying on the ground. I lifted my head up and saw Karlie Kloss in front of me, her arms stretched, her eyes dark as the night.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked in pain.

"Karlie Kloss," she smirked. "Nice to meet you."

"Thank you, Karlie, I-"

Karlie didn't let me finish my sentence and instead of that, she grabbed my arm forcefully and dragged me out of the room, to the dark corridor. I wasn't suprised anymore when she pinned me up the wall, looking straight to my eyes. "Karlie, I-"

"Don't." Her index finger covered my mouth and I watched her eyes getting darker and darker. It was not funny anymore. "What the fuck, Taylor? What did you think?"

"I-" I was cut off by being slapped across my cheek.

"Who the fuck gave you the permission to speak?" She spat, rubbing my - now red - cheek. "He flirted with you. And you let him. He was so close to you. And you let him. He wanted to kiss you. And if I wouldn't be around, you would let him. How dare you breaking my rules. How dare you disobeying me. I can see only one solution."

I saw the sly, evil smirk that appeared on her face before, but it was back. Her red lips bit my earlobe as she whispered the words I knew I would never want to hear - "you are going to be punished."


I always stop it at parts like this.

Anyway, thank you all for reading, voting and commenting - this is just the 9th chapter and my story has over 14k reads! BIG thank you to all of you who are always voting and telling me your thoughts about this story. ♥

Vote and comment guys, the more of these interactions I get, the sooner the next chapter will be up! :)

Next ➳ KaylorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora