Chapter 14

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Chapter 15

Aimans POV

" oh my God" I said sheilding my eyes then taking another peek. You know

,because I like what I see.

Zayn took his sweet time pulling up his brand new black jeans up over his bum

and securing it in place with a white belt.

I looked at my shoes but I couldn't help but start laughing.

Zayn looked up and the smug smirk on his face was replaced with a look of


" what's so funny?" He asked.

I looked at him again and saw that he still hasn't put his shirt on. It was hard to

keep my eyes on his face. Not that his face is hard to look at, it's just that, when

there's his abs and tattooed hip bones, it's kinda hard to keep your eyes from


" well it's just that, I've imagined you naked many times while fangirling over all

the other boys but seeing it in person is just" I couldn't finish.

Zayn came real close to me. I shifted my weight from side to side looking at

everything but his brown eyes. And it didn't help that his shirt was missing.

" did you like what you saw? Was it better then your imagination" he said in a

voice that was all joke.

I decided to play along.

" of-course it was" I said in the most sexy voice I could conjure up. Givin that I

have no experience my wish was that I didn't sound as much as a frog then

what I heard. Iran my finger down his cheekbone to his jaw.

I could literally hear his heart race pick up. I pulled my finger back. That wasn't supposed to happen.

How can his heart speed when I touched him? Doesn't that happen when you

like the person who touched you? I still remember when Jace handed me my

coffie and the way out hands brushed. That was enough to send my heat

beating at 1000 beats per second. Stop thinking of Jace. He's left your life.

Does Zayn like me?

I looked at Zayn. He smiled nervously. " what are you thinking about?" He

asked me.

I said the first thing that popped into my mouth.

" looking at your shirtless body I was reminded of Jaces body. Which led to his

face. Which led to his lips. Which led to our kiss. Which-"

" shut up" Zayn said stepping away from me.

Finally room to breathe.

Zayn went to his bed and pulled out a new tshirt from a bag.

It was completly black. When he pulled it on I was stunned into silence.

Zayn in all black is just too much. I was tempted to take a pic and post it on my

one direction blog.

Get a hold of yourself Aiman, this is not a time to fangirl.

" it's 7:00" Zayn said. " are you gonna get ready for the party or what?"

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