Chapter 4

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I was awakened by the sounds of the shower running. I rolled over to my side

and looked at the clock on my nightstand. 6:00 am. There was nobody on the

bed across from me so I assumed Zayn was in the shower. That's weird I

thought he slept in late?.

I waited on my bed for him too get out but he was taking forever! Eventually a

fell into a half asleep state. The bathroom door opened and my eyes opened,

wide awake. They grew larger at the sight I witnessed. Zayn had a towel slung

low on his hips, his amazing abs and v-line showing.

He looked at me and screamed like a little girl. I screamed louder then him.

After we calmed down he said " I didn't know you were awake".

All of a sudden I wanted to kiss him. He looked so adorable his bare chest and

hair still wet and a look of embarrassment on his face. But I knew I can't kiss

him. Plus he wouldn't kiss me back.

" uh I just woke up and was waiting for you to get out of the bathroom" I said too


" oh sorry I took long. I woke up extra early so I wouldn't make you wait. But I

guess I did anyway" he did while looking at the ground.

Aww he thought about me. Stop Aiman! You can't have a crush on you

roommate especially if he's Zayn Malik. And didn't I always have a soft spot for

Harry when I looked at their pictures and stuff?

" haha it's okay. From now on you can sleep in till 7 and I will take the shower

first" I said to him.

He walked over to his closet and looked for some clothes to put on. His back

was so sexy. Oh my god I could just.

" alright we will do that' he said but i didn't hear. i ran into the bathroom and

slammed the door shut. i needed to get my eyes off of him before i raped the

poor guy. My fangirl self was going crazy. i had too contain myself. No romance

with Zayn is allowed. plus like i said before, what makes me think he would find

me one bit attractive?.

After my shower i got some nice clothes on and put a tiny bit of make up on.

Today was the first day of actual classes and i was nervous. Zayn had left the

room awhile ago so i could get ready. i think he went to Nialls room for a chat or


my first and second period went by easy enough i wasn't noticed at all except

for when i had to introduce myself to the class. Third period was option. I looked

at my schedule it said i had Foods. Yes! I really liked foods cooking was one of

the few things i was good at. I made my way to the foods room and picked a

chair at the back of the room. People started pilling in the class then i saw a

familiar blone hair. perfectly straight with a small pink bow to the side. it was

My Roommate Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now