Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Aiman's POV

I was walking down a long dark street along with Zayn and Liam. It was raining

like mad and we could barely see three feet in front of us.

" guys i know your trying to contribute to keeping the earth clean and don't want

pollution" I said " but we really need a cab!" I shouted over the rain,

" I would haul a cab if there were any around" Liam said with mock patience.

" how did it start raining so bad everything was fine a while ago" Zayn said from


Zayn and Liam were taking me out to dinner but what happened was,as soon

as we got out of the coffie shop, it started pouring really bad. The restaurant

was only a ten minute walk away but it's still really hard and annoying to walk

around in cold rain.

" hey Liam i think I know why there's no paparazzi today, there was a storm

coming" Zayn said.

" yea well it looks like the storm is already here" I shouted over the rain.

" guys do we still want to go eat at the restaurant?" Liam asked.

We all were standing in the middle of the sidewalk facing each other now.

Wondering if we should turn back or just continue the journey.

" no lets continue cause we are here!" Zayn cheered. We looked at what he

was pointing and sure enough we had stopped a single step from the

restaurants door.

*** Harry's POV

Where the hell is Zayn and Liam!! I heard the thunder outside and shivered. It

was 9 pm and I haven't seen them since morning.

I know they can take care of themselves but its not like them to just disappear.

And not even calling all day.

I know it has something to do with Aiman, I don't like her all that much. Ever

since she got here everyone has been acting weird. Especially Zayn and Liam.

I know that Zayn likes her but what's up with Liam?

I heard a knock on the door. I walked over smiling I know exactly who it is. When I opened the door my smile only got bigger.

" hey baby" she said

" hey" I said back before smashing my lips to hers. My arms around her waist

and her hands feeling my curls. I let go of her mouth long enough to shut the

door and turn the lights off. Then we were in my bed. Her on top of me and we

couldn't let go of each other.


Aimans POV

I saw lightening strike outside the restaurant.

" guys how are we going to get home?" I asked the boys.

We were quite a sight. In a restaurant full of old,elegant, rich people we looked

so out of place. We were dripping wet, dirty from the mud puddles that

splashed us outside, and none of us were wearing restaurant worthy clothes.

My Roommate Zayn Malikحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن