Chapter 18: They Look Much Better On You

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Chapter 18: They Look Much Better On You

Some nights Valeria wondered if sleep was just a figment of her imagination. There were days where it seemed so much more attainable than others, and then there were nights like the current one; nights where there weren't enough sheep to count and the ticking sound of the clock seemed as loud as thunder and the sheets stuck to her like glue no matter how much she tossed and turned. A loud sigh erupted from Valeria's fatigued figure once she realized that no matter how many times she rolled onto her left side, the bed would not feel any comfier. In the deafening silence of the dorm room, she resigned to the notion that sleep would not come easily, nor any time in the near future. She grabbed a book from her trunk in defeat and, when noticing the book she picked up, she smiled ever-so-slightly despite herself.

Jane Eyre

"What's your favorite? I've always liked Jane Eyre."

Some of Remus's first words to her echoed in her mind and Valeria, for once in a long while, was happy listening to her thoughts. For some inexplicable reason, Remus's soft, but rusty voice was comforting above all else – even the fluffy blanket currently residing on her bed. Valeria tucked the book between her arm and her side, grabbed her wand, and decided to venture into the common room in hopes of doing something with her time instead of rolling around in bed and staring at the ceiling. As she descended the stairs to the common room, the thought of Remus popped into her head and filled her chest with a soothing warmth. It was subtle, but it was sweet, and Valeria couldn't help but wonder that if she had disregarded the rules earlier then she could have spent a couple extra minutes with Remus. Even sitting in silence with him felt better than laying in silence upstairs, in a dorm filled with people that could sleep, all while she couldn't.

The first thing Valeria noticed when her stocking foot touched the floor of the common room is that the fire seemed to be burning just as bright as it had a few hours before. The second thing she noticed was completely irrelevant (though it still bugged her), but she had a hole in the bottom of her sock and each time she stepped it felt as though there were ice cubes appearing beneath her foot. Shaking her head, Valeria glanced toward the exit of the common room, contemplating the consequences of going to the Astronomy Tower before quickly deciding that, no, it would not be a smart idea. Before she turned her attention away from the exit, however, a voice penetrated her thoughts.

Even though it held softness, the voice seemed to pierce the silence like bells as it said, "You better not be thinking about sneaking outside. I will report you if I see you leave the common room."

"You don't have to worry about me becoming a popsicle on the Astronomy Tower – I've learned my lesson," Valeria replied in a small voice, gliding over to where Remus sat before the still-burning fire (no doubt because Remus lit it again) in pajama bottoms and a non-matching t-shirt.

Remus glanced at her from the book he had undoubtedly been reading, seeing as how it was propped open on his lap. Valeria noticed this and made to turn around, saying, "I'm sorry for bothering you – I'll go back upstairs."

"You can stay. I don't have a monopoly over the couch, or the common room for that matter," Remus said, inviting Valeria to take a seat which she did hesitantly.

After a few moments, Remus broke the near-silence, "What are you doing?"

"Just some light reading," Valeria replied, gesturing to her book.

Remus raised a skeptical eyebrow, "Light, eh?'

The very ends of Valeria's hair turned pink, a sharp contrast to the rest of her blue-black hair, and mumbled, "Well, yeah."

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