Chapter 14: Permanent Slumber

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Chapter 14: Permanent Slumber

"We are gathered here to mourn the loss of more than just a martyr. We are gathered here to mourn the loss of a caring mother, loving wife, and dear friend. We mourn the loss of a woman who did more than fight against the gathering dark forces..."

Tears slipped down her cheeks as she walked from the funeral home and to the cemetery, blurry vision watching as the midnight blue casket was carried to the place of burial. A familiar friend stood beside her, dressed in black, obviously attempting to hold back her tears and remain strong so her friend didn't have to.

"Her loss was not in vain, and it never will be. From this day forward, we do not mourn the loss of a martyr, but a hero."

Now, the two girls stood close to the casket, surrounded by two other Belladonas. Other family members were scattered around the dark display. The Marauders, dressed in black suits, stood in the back, each clutching a midnight blue rose. When the order was given, the casket was lowered into the ground, followed by the roaring tide of tears.

One by one, friends and family threw their roses into the grave.

"This will mark the true beginning of this war because this casualty hits so close to home. Never will we forget the name, never will we forget. This is our loss, and we will come to expect more, but we can never give up. For every one that falls in this blasted war, their souls will live on through us."

Standing back, the onlookers watched as soil reclaimed its rightful place in the ground, cushioning the casket from the deception of the living world. The earth acts as a bastion for the dead, and another just became part of its ranks. Torrents of tears washed down the faces of those that attended the service. A river poured down Camille Belladona's face, and Valeria's hair was turned the same midnight blue as the casket and roses. The Marauders were blinking back tears, each wearing blank facades that could easily crack. Sirius's gaze fixated upon Camille's shuddering figure.

When the speakers stepped away from the grave, and the soil compacted magically, the granite grave-marker rested in its rightful, yet undeserving, spot at the head of the grave. Family and friends filed out, making their way to cars in order to attend the dinner. Camille's father motioned for the Marauders to follow him, leaving the two girls alone at the grave. Percy hung closely to his father's side.

Camille choked when she looked at the porcelain skinned replica of herself. Ghostly pale and cold, the body laid upon a bed of midnight flowers, looking peaceful in death. Bruises the color of the night sky were faint upon the skin, glittering as though they were painted there to blend in with the flowers. Pink lips were plump even in death, eyes as blue as ever, but glazed. Hair sleek. Had she not been cold, she could have easily been sleeping.

Camille brought her fingers to the eyelids of the deceased, and shut them, securing the death as permanent, placing her in a permanent sleep.

Once the cemetery emptied completely, the overcast sky seemed to mirror the sorrow etched upon Camille's very soul. They gray clouds swirled in anguish and howling winds tore through the blades of grass, whistling like she'd imagine the ghosts would. Valeria still stood, eyes closed, jaw clenched, trying to be strong for her friend.

Camille appreciated the control Valeria demonstrated on her behalf because she could not do it herself. As the wind stung her tear-soaked cheeks, she fell to her knees before the gravestone. Valeria stepped closer, placing a hand on Camille's right shoulder.

"I...I can't. I just can't. I love her more than you could ever know. Why did she have to go?! It's not fair! IT'S NOT- "


Heart-wrenching sobs filled the air, whisked away by the winds that carried her cries to whoever would hear them. Valeria big her tongue, her cheek, her lip to keep any strangled noises to escape her throat. Blinking constantly, she held the tears back no matter the excruciating sting they brought to her eyes. Her grip on Camille's shoulder tightened.

"Her body was found this evening by an auror on the search for Aria Sunstone. She didn't appear to be in any pain - "

Camille had already tuned him out.

"No," Camille cried. "NO!"

Dropping to her knees, Valeria hugged her friend, supporting her in front of the grave. Neither cared if their dress clothes would become dirty. They only cared about the gravestone, and the person in the grave. They only cared, for the time being, about being there for each other. Camille slumped into Valeria's outstretched arms, shoulders heaving with body-wracking sobs. Valeria held her best friend tightly, supporting her, and patted her back. Their hair blew out around them as they cried in the howling winds.

Valeria kept her eyes shut because she knew that if she opened them, she would cry too. There would be no stopping the tears, but Camille had always been strong for Valeria. Now it was Valeria's turn to be strong for Camille. It was her turn to forsake her tears to allow her friend's to flow freely.

They didn't know how long they stayed there, and no one was stupid enough to disturb them. Day turned to evening, and evening to the early hours of the night. The full moon shone in the air. While the wind had died down, a new howl echoed throughout the surrounding woods.

Despite its familiarity, Valeria ignored it, placing her full attention on Camille who finally stood and looked directly at the stone. Valeria placed herself beside her friend, linking their hands. Finally, a tear leaked out of Valeria's eye. She jutted her chin out, holding her head high as though acknowledging the moon's presence and ability to draw on the tide. A new set of tears fell, albeit lighter, from Camille's eyes.

Both girls looked at the granite gravestone. The eerie glow of the moon cascaded off of the individual letters on the stone, highlighting the most important part of the stone - its inscription.

               Rest In Peace
Loving Mother, Wife, and Friend
               1939 - 1976

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