Chapter 15: A Test of Evil

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Chapter 15: A Test of Evil

Valeria Sunstone walked the halls of Hogwarts with her hair the color of ebony the week following Maurice Belladona's funeral. No one knew just how devastating her death was. Valeria watched as Camille had trouble processing how people could continue with their lives, as though a respectable member of the wizarding world didn't die. But, more than that, Maurice had been a mother not just to Camille, but to Valeria as well. When Aria went missing, Maurice had been the one saving grace she had, and now she was gone as well.

And nobody seemed to care.

They didn't want to acknowledge the death because it meant acknowledging something else, something much more sinister - The Dark Lord was rising.

So, Valeria turned her hair the color of mourning so every time someone would look at her, they'd be reminded of the brave witch that had died on the side defending light. Camille, though solemn, silently thanked Valeria for her consideration.

Percy, on the other hand, would not be silent. Every time someone would look at him in pity, it would either anger him or trigger a fit of tears. Valeria and Camille tried comforting him several times, but their efforts only lasted for short periods of time. As Valeria, bundled in a pea coat, scarf, gloves, and hat, sat against the railing of the Astronomy Tower, looking blankly at the wall opposite her, she could recall the tension between the siblings so well that it stung her eyes. Maurice's death was tearing them apart. Percy, according to his self-diagnosis, didn't need help, and Camille, according to her self-diagnosis, needed to help her little brother because that's what big sisters were supposed to do. And, Valeria, ever being the peace-keeper, found herself stuck between the two siblings, trying to persuade Percy that help never hurt anyone while reassuring Camille that she was doing the right thing to help her brother.

Sometimes help did hurt, and Valeria knew it.

Trying to help others in a time such as this took its toll, but Camille had been strong for her, so she could only return the favor. The last thing Valeria wanted to do was admit to Camille that she was trying to cope as well, and constantly being dragged into the middle of the siblings' fight only served to worsen Valeria's struggling mental state. In the past week, she found herself seeking solace in the Astronomy Tower when she wasn't doing homework or attempting to help Percy and Camille.

In hopes to comfort herself in the chilling wind, Valeria drew her knees close to her chest, hugging them in place, and rested her chin against them, letting out a visible sigh that dissipated into the cold, misty winds that blew across the tower. Valeria did not want to cry to herself because, if she did, she wouldn't be able to stop herself from crying in front of Camille or Percy. They needed someone, and they had looked to her.

Valeria hadn't the heart to tell them that she wasn't as strong as they thought she was.


The soft-spoken whisper danced across Valeria's ears, startling her from her depressing thoughts. Her eyes lifted to find Remus, bundled in winter gear, standing a couple of feet away.

"What are you doing up here?" he asked.

"Chilling," she said and sniffled, her nose turning red from prolonged exposure to the early December winds.

"I can see that," he replied, taking a couple of steps towards her.

She gave a half-hearted chuckle before saying, "Judging by your attire, I'd say you expected to find me out here."

He shrugged, "Maybe, maybe not. Who knows?"

Valeria remained silent, the exposed parts of her black hair flowing around her face.

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