Chapter 2: The Sorting Hat

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Chapter 2: The Sorting Hat

"Oi, why aren't you and Percy with us - who's this?"

Camille rolled her eyes at the boy that just barged into the compartment, "Must you be so loud? And what is it to you if I sit with someone else?"

"Well, love, the problem is that our dear old Moony is a prefect this year and we need a stand-in for when he can't help us," the boy answered, flashing a dazzling smile.

"A stand-in?" Camille raised her voice. "Pray tell, what in the world have I been to you the past four years?"

"A lovely thing to look - "

"If my guess as to where that sentence is going is right, I highly advise you to stop talking before something regrettable happens. You seem to know Cam well - do you wish to be hexed into next week?" Valeria spoke up, earning a muffled laugh from Percy.

Taking a few seconds to regain his composure, he smiled, "Aren't you a doll? Do you mind telling me your name?"

"Valeria Sunstone," Valeria replied.

"Ah, a beautiful name for a beautiful face," he mused, holding out his hand. "Sirius Black."

Valeria grasped his hand, "And you happen to be nothing like your name suggests."

Chuckling, Sirius said, "Cam, your friend is a riot. So this is the infamous Valeria that you have told us so much about?"

Rolling her eyes, Camille replied, "Yes, this is she. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to speak with my infamous friend in peace. I'll see you in the Great Hall."

"But, we need help! Come on, introduce her to the rest of the Marauders!" Sirius complained.

"They'll meet her soon enough, and you can do fine on your own, now leave!" Camille ordered.

"But - "

Camille nodded to Percy. Smiling, Percy hopped up from his seat and proceeded to push Sirius out of the compartment, slamming the door loudly in the process. Sirius stuck out his tongue before taking his leave.

"So, he's part of the Marauders that you've told me about?" Valeria asked.

Camille nodded, "Sadly."

Valeria laughed, "They aren't that bad, are they?"

Percy and Camille stared at her with identical you-have-no-idea expressions. Raising her hands in defense, Valeria exclaimed, "Alright, alright, so they're that bad."

"Remus isn't too bad, though," Percy piped up.

"That's true," Camille said. "He's the only one in the group that seems to have his head on straight."

Valeria laughed, "Then I'll be sure to make his acquaintance."

The rest of the train ride continued with the childhood friends speaking about random subjects. Valeria expressed her excitement of going to Hogwarts through animated gestures. Percy told her about the ghosts, claiming that Nearly Headless Nick was his favorite and that she should stay away from Peeves unless, of course, she's looking for trouble. Camille told her bits and pieces about the Marauders and their adventures, but never went into full detail, figuring that Valeria would end up finding everything out. After all, Camille was friends with the Marauders, and Valeria was friends with Camille - Valeria and the Marauders are bound to come into contact with each other.

Minutes before the train stopped, Valeria changed into her robes, wondering what house she would be placed in. The minute she saw the outline of Hogwarts, her breath was taken away. The castle, beautiful in its grandeur, was something from a fairy tale. Valeria could not have been more happy to be there. Already, she felt as though she was at home.

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