17: Dear Father

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I wasn't sure why Chester insisted on sending a car out my way when I could've taken the subway, but when the jet black Rolls Royce pulled up along the curb, tinted windows and all, I couldn't help but feel incredibly intimidated by our impending meeting. Sure, I had changed into something a little more presentable than casual, but my options were limited seeing as I left most of my nice attire back at the apartment when I left in a hurry the night before. I'd settled on a pair of dark, faux leather pants and a short sleeved white button up blouse seemed the most appropriate. In the back of my mind was the thought that there wasn't much I could do to impress somebody who seemed to already have everything, but I tried not to think about it.

"Miss Beaumont?" A man in a dark suit left the car, rounding the front of the car and making his way over to me with a pleasant smile.

"That's me," I responded with a small smile of my own. "What's your name?"

"My name is Miles." He reached out his hand to take mine and we shook. "It's a pleasure to you, miss. I'll be escorting you to lunch with Mr. Hartley this afternoon. If you'll follow me, we'll be headed there now."

"You too. Of course." Nodding, I made my way over to the back door he was now holding open for me, slipping into the back seat and buckling myself in. I set my things in the empty seat beside me, waited for the man to return to his position, and watched as the car pulled off the curb.

"How do you know Mr. Hartley, miss? If you don't mind me asking, of course."

Should I be honest? How often did he talk about me to other people? Did anybody else know about me being his family? If his driver didn't already know about me, then maybe he hadn't mentioned me at all.

"Old family friend," I finally said with a faint smile, one he returned in the rearview mirror before he carried on driving

I was antsy throughout the entire drive, the driver not saying much throughout the journey. He asked me if I lived in the city and I explained that I had been staying with a friend, but the conversation was light after that. The drive took about half an hour and I noticed that the car was slowing to a stop the further along we went.

"We're here, Miss Beaumont."

I looked out the window and was met with the sight of a large skyscraper, taking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly. The place was massive, to say the very least. It was the only way I could describe it because otherwise it looked exactly like most buildings in the NYC skyline.

I got out of the car with Miles' assistance and thanked him for taking the time to drive me and he assured me it was no trouble at all before leading me into the building. "Mr. Hartley lives in the penthouse on the top floor. He'll be awaiting your arrival."

"Thank you again, Miles. I'll see you again soon?"

"Hopefully so, miss." With a smile, he made his way back out to the car and I was left in the lobby with my bag and my nerves.

I made my way to the elevators and pressed the up arrow, waiting for one of them to make it down to the main level, all the while fidgeting with the buttons on my blouse. I'd waited so long for this moment and now, over twenty years later, I was about to be face to face with my biological father.

I had so many expectations of how this would play out after our phone conversation, but now I worried that none of them would be met , that I'd gotten myself excited over nothing and that I'd be left feeling like it wouldn't have mattered whether I'd met the man or not. I hoped that wouldn't be the case.

The elevator took me up to the top level at an almost achingly slow pace, but eventually the tone rang out and I was let out onto the proper floor. I stepped out into what looked like a fully furnished living room and wondered if I'd had the right floor when a small blonde rounded the corner.

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