Chapter 3: A Little Game

Start from the beginning

"Is your camera okay?" I pointed at it, it had landed on the floor in process of me messing up the moment. I hope I didn't break his camera.

He leaned down and picked up his camera."It's okay." He smiled at me as he flipped it around to show me the little screen on the back. "It's all good see."

"Thank god." I muttered as I flopped on to the lazy boy in relief. Not only would I had felt bad but who's going to like someone that broke their stuff. I can't afford to lose my only friend after 2 days of knowing each other. That would be not only embarrassing but pathetic. Who loses a friend that fast?

"Do you want to see a picture of yourself?" He asked looking through his camera.

"Only if it's good." I responded as I leaned towards him. He leaned towards me and showed me the picture he took when I paused when he called me interesting. I can see the shock spread across my face. "Wow." The word had escaped my lips. It really was a good pic of me. You could see my brown eyes clearly and they looked so pretty. I never knew my eyes could be that pretty. I never get my picture taken very often. The last time I got my picture taken was 4 months ago when I got myself and mom all dressed up and such. Mom said it was our proof that we can be pretty to.

"Yeah I'm that good." He joked and winked at me. I pushed him on his shoulder and giggled. I jumped at the sound of the phone ringing. It had to be mom, I don't think anyone else would call here. I ran to the kitchen quickly and answered the phone.

"Daisy?" It was Mom's voice on the other end.

"Mom!" I was happy to hear her voice I haven't spoke to her in so long.

"I was just checking up on you." She sounded somewhat uninterested and tired.

"Oh, I'm okay." I answered. I twirled the wire that connected the phone to the receiver. It was probably the only thing it was good for.

"Okay, then bye." She hung up before I could say bye. It was too short for my satisfaction, I wish she would call more often. I mean it's nice to hear her voice. I looked up to see Nathan standing in the doorway. He took another picture of me and I didn't have enough time to block my face. I chased after him trying to get him to stop taking pictures again. It was all in good fun and not as aggressive as it was in the living room. we sat on the couch heaving and out of breath.

I brought out the Uno cards so we could play. They were an older deck of cards, you could tell from the color and feel to them. Most were in perfect condition (other than the coloring), but some had the creases or corners missing. Mom had gotten a newer deck for us to play with but I like this deck. It just seemed nicer to me.

After playing several games of Uno we gave up in the middle of the last game and just laid on the floor. We were getting to that bored part of the day. It still beat watching t.v. alone. "I have something to tell you." I brought out of no where."You're actually the first friend I've ever made." I flopped over on my stomach to look at him. I explained the 4 rules I was given and how I spend most of my time trapped in a house.

"It's great to be the first friend you made." Nathan responded he was cute even when he was confused. "That's really strange that your mom shelters you like that"

" I don't know." I scrunched up my lips. "But can we make a code in case you want to come over. So that Mom doesn't know." I didn't realize it was strange that mom would rather have me locked up in a house than outside making friends. It made since that it was strange though on t.v. I've never seen anyone live the way I do because of what their parents want.

"Okay." He looked excited when he turned back to me. "It can be like a spy game."

"That's right."

"What will be the code though?"

I pointed at my hair. "I'll sit on the porch and if my hairs braided to the side it mean's it's unsafe." It was great I always have my hair did and Mom would never suspect a thing. I'm allowed on the porch and he can at least see me from there.

"Great idea." He took another picture of me. "I had a feeling you were going to be extremely interesting Daisy." He smiled at me around his camera. I didn't smack the camera away from him. He was doing what he liked and it wasn't so bad getting my picture taken.

He was excited about this as me. I mean he's thinking of it as some spy game, but I'm thinking of this as a way to keep friendship. In truth it was going to be more of a spy game for me than him, because I'm doing all the lying. I know lying to mom will hurt her and I don't want to hurt her. That's why I won't let her find out. What she doesn't know won't hurt her right?

A/N: Dedicating this chapter to onceuponatimefreak for being a loyal reader. You guys should go and check out their work. Have a great Day :D

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