Normally I don't like talking on the phone at the table while the kids are here, but they are too busy talking about dinner to care.

"Was he this bad with you?" Lacey asks.

"Different circumstances," I remind her. As the girls got older dad and Sophia explained how I was dads oldest but I was adopted and all that jazz...

"I forgot, but did he care that you and Harry were dating?" She asks.

"He wasn't thrilled about it, but he knew if he wanted me in his life he couldn't really have an opinion about it, or id put my wall back up," I explain.

"He's only trying to protect you-- you're the one who said Drew was known to be a player," I remind her.

"He's different with me," she says.

"Way to sound cliché," I tease her.

"Look Lace, dad is just trying to protect you. He might go about it the wrong way, but it's coming from a good place," I tell her.

"Ugh," she groans.

"It's just annoying, I just want to go out to dinner with the guy," She adds.

"Is there such a thing as 'just dinner' these days?" I ask her.

"Yes, it's just that a lot of people do other things—" She trails off.

"Are you doing other things?" I raise my eyebrows.

"No I'm not," She states firmly, I can picture her rolling her eyes.

"You know, if you are I won't judge you or tell dad," I tell her.

"But I'm not doing anything," She is clearly uncomfortable with this conversation.

"Just know that I'm always here if you need to talk—about anything," I remind her.

"I know, thanks," she says.

"I'm going to go—I have to get ready for work. I'll talk to you later—" Lacey sighs.

"Have fun, and drive safe—and be easy on dad," I tell her

"Oh and be careful with Drew—don't do anything you know you'll regret," I add.

"I literally just want to go to dinner with him—give him a chance," She says.

"Okay—I'll talk to you later babe—have fun at work," I tell her.

"Okay, thanks. Love you,"

"Love you too," I say before I hang up. I put my phone down and turn my attention to the kids.

"Can you help us make you're mac n' cheese to go with the roast?" Addie asks.

"Yeah, we'll have to go the store and get everything for dinner, and we have to put the roast in shortly, so it has time to cook," I tell them, as I continue to pick at my salad.

"Okay, when can we go to the store?" Avery asks.

"In a half hour, so make sure you are all ready to go," I tell them. They get up from the table, and place their plates in the dishwasher, before they rush upstairs. I finish my salad and quickly clean up the kitchen, before I pick Luke up from his bassinette.

"Hey, baby boy," I coo, and his lips twitch slightly upward.

"Ready to go to the store?" I ask him, even though I know I won't get a response. I carry him to the bottom of the stairs and slip on my shoes, and grab his baby bag.

"Let's go!" I yell upstairs.

They come rushing down the stairs, ready to go. We all pile out of the house and into my car. I buckle Luke into his car seat, before I get into the driver's seat.

My Complicated Life! (AU Harry Styles Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें