Chapter 11

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Trish's POV
Ally woke up. At last. It's the day before the concert.
Austin hasn't come to visit Ally ever since she woke from her coma.
Shows how much of a douche he is.
Ally seems fine. She seems a little confused, but that's all.
She's already out of the hospital, and she's living life like an ordinary girl.

I was at home when I heard the doorbell ring.
I opened the door and I found...
Austin. What a surprise.
"Can I come in?"
"Fine. I'll stay outside."
"Good. Now what do you want?"
"I just wanted to give you this. Pass it on to Ally too okay?"
And he gave me an envelope.
"What's in it?"
"You'll see."
And he just walks off.
Man he's different now.
I open the envelope and I find...
2 tickets to the Austin Moon concert and 2 backstage passes. Great. Ally will love this.
I just put it on the counter and I try to take a nap.

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