Chapter 2

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Ally's POV
I woke up today finding that I dreamt about the same thing I dreamt yesterday.
The one that Austin leaves me.
It's been long since it actually happened. 5 years. That's how long I haven't seen Austin.
I remember being so worried when I called him and found his number wasn't used anymore. I was heartbroken when I ran all the way to his house, only to find that he was long gone. That's when I knew he left me.
I let myself in to the empty house, and walked to his room. And just like that, I broke down into tears.
I cried and cried and cried, till it was almost 5 in the afternoon.
I didn't have the energy to call dad to come pick me up, and I couldn't let my dad see the state of me.

I started to walk home, not caring about how the people walking by stared at me with pity.
By the time I got home, it was 6, and the sun was beginning to set. I was overwhelmed by it, remembering the sunset we saw together the last night.
Fresh tears came to my eyes as I walked into my house, where dad was waiting.
"Where have you be..! Have you been crying? Are you ok sweetie?"
But by this point, I was irritated at the fact that they were so clueless. It wasn't his fault at all, but I screamed,
and ran straight into my room.
Dad never came after me, but I heard him talking to Trish on the phone, sounding worried.
I didn't let anyone in my room for a few days, only coming out for meals.
Austin seemed to have vanished off the face of the earth for a few months, but he went back to his career. And he had a new girlfriend. Some girl called Stephanie.

But it's been 5 years. I would like to say that I've moved on, but I still have a soft spot for Austin. I tried to meet new people, but I just couldn't like them enough as Austin. It hurt too much.

After breakfast, I went to the practice room and sat in front of my piano. I played a few notes, but I just couldn't enjoy playing the piano anymore.
It even hurts to sit on this chair that we sat on together, or to play the piano we used to make songs together.
I tried to write some love songs after Austin left me, to let my feelings out, but I was never able to. I haven't wrote a single song since.

I'll call Trish. She's been with me this whole time. She'll talk to me.

I dial Trish's number, and after several rings, she picked up.
"Hey Ally! What's new?"
"Nothing really. Could you come over? I don't really feel like doing anything today."
"Sure. I'll be there in a few seconds."
"Wait what?"
Then, I hear the door downstairs open, and the next thing I know, Trish is yelling,
"Ally! Come out come out wherever you are!"
I ran down the stairs and found Trish standing in front of the door.

"Trish! What were you doing here? I thought it would take you more than a few seconds to come here."
"Uh, well Ally, I was actually here to talk to you about something."

Why did you leave me?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora