Chapter 8

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Ally's POV
Gavin must think I'm crazy right about now.
I just ran. I ran and I ran and I ran.
After a while, when I was just to tired to even walk anymore, I sat down on the sidewalk.
I realized tears were streaming down my face. I tried not to think about Austin all these years. Why did he have to come back now?
It's like I'm went back in time to when I found out Austin left me.
Tears endlessly dripping down my face, everyone staring at me sympathetically, I just can't handle it. I need to move on.
But not before I do a little something first.
I walked slowly down the street. It's only a few blocks away.

And there it is. The house Austin Moon used to live in. The house where I spent an entire day crying over him. The house where we had so much sweet memories together.
Of course, I can't go in whenever I want to anymore. A new family lives there now.
I was just staring blankly into space, thinking about the house and it's memories, when I hear a loud screech.

Why did you leave me?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora