Scene 23: The Tables Turn

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After a week of eating lunch with Nigel and Noel, Travis was surprised when Melinda hooked arms with her as she walked into the cafeteria and led her over to the animator apprentices. Travis looked toward the brothers' table. Noel hadn't shown up yet, but Nigel was watching. He gave her a thumbs up. Travis wasn't so sure.

"So, some of us have been talking, and we think we should celebrate this next milestone." Melinda whispered conspiratorially, as if she hadn't been avoiding Travis for days. "Nothing over the top, of course. Something classy and grown-up."

"Sure," Travis sputtered.

"Great!" Melinda unlinked her arm as they got to the table. "Guys, Travis is in. This party is going to rock."

Travis set down her lunchbox and looked back toward Nigel. Noel had arrived, and the brothers were chatting about something. Inspiration hit. "Dates are allowed, right?"

Melinda wrinkled her nose. "I suppose. It depends. It's not that crew guy, is it?"

"No," Travis shook her head, "he has a boyfriend."

"Oh. Then it should be fine."

"Great." Hopefully, Nigel will go for this.


Nigel found the thought of being Travis' date to Melinda's party completely funny and readily agreed. "The look on Melinda's face will be priceless."

"What do you mean?" Oh, goddess. Did I do something wrong?

"Well, you're invited, but I'm not. She still hasn't forgiven me for taking some of her assignments."

"You took some of her assignments?" Travis could feel her stomach leaching toward her toes.

"No. Brice got tired of her sloppy work, so he re-routed a bunch of her assignments to a couple of us. Melinda found out, and now we're blackballed from her social circle." Nigel grinned.

"That's awful." Travis tugged at the hem of her sweater. "We don't have to go tonight."

"Yes, we do. If we don't, she'll make your life miserable for blowing her off." Nigel opened the door to the apartment building. "And I'm going to enjoy her not being able to throw me out."

"It's her party. Why can't she throw you out?"

"Because I'm the golden girl's date." His face lit up.

"Oh." This could possibly be worse than any of Mom's parties.

They weren't more than a couple of steps into the apartment before Melinda spotted them and raced over. Travis held her breath, unsure whether Melinda would be delighted to see them or if she would kick Nigel out. But the hostess slid between them, wrapping an arm around Travis and pulling her into the party. "I'm so glad you could make it. Everyone is dying to see you. Let's get you a drink, and we'll tour the room."

Travis looked over her shoulder at Nigel, who was quietly snickering.

Melinda followed her gaze, "Thanks for making sure Travis got here safely. You can see yourself out."

"I'd love to," Nigel smirked, "but I'm with Travis."

Melinda stopped and half turned, considering Nigel and then Travis. "We'll find you a more suitable date." She then wrapped her arm around Travis' shoulders and started walking again, "Good night, Nigel."

When he didn't leave, Melinda waved her hand, and two large guys came over and started walking Nigel toward the door. He slipped out of their grasp and ran to catch up with the girls. The guys caught up with him and dragged him to the door, where they formed a human wall to keep him from coming back in.

Travis' phone went off, and she checked it while Melinda stepped away to grab drinks. It was Nigel: Don't worry about it. Have fun and call me tomorrow. She wanted to run after him, but she had a bad feeling he was right about her fragile status among the apprentices.

Melinda came back and handed her a cup. "So, those two over there..."

Travis tuned her out as she sipped at her drink, and then spat it out. "This is alcoholic."

Melinda laughed. "Oh, Travis. You're adorable."

For a long moment, Travis considered throwing the drink in Melinda's face and running after Nigel. But she decided to just hold the cup. She'd been a wallflower at enough of her parents' parties to know how to dump the liquid discreetly somewhere later. So, she smiled uneasily and lifted the cup to her lips without taking a drink. Melinda smiled and continued her catty introductions.

The party continued with the alcohol flowing and the music getting louder and louder. Guys clowning around on the balcony started showing off their acrobatic skills on the railing, one of them nearly slipping off the wrong direction. Travis kept an eye, both on her cup and on the door, trying to figure out how to get out without being noticed.

Her luck ran out when she heard a loud, familiar banging on the door. Melinda turned down the music, giggling as she tried to quiet everybody down on her way to the door. "Hello, officer. Can I help you?" And then she doubled over in giggles.

Travis knew what was coming and fished her ID out of her purse. But the officer didn't need it. Given that most people who lived in the apartments were under age, everyone was rounded up and taken to the station.

It was an hour before an officer spoke with her and she was allowed to call her family. She couldn't reach her parents, not that she was expecting to at this hour, but she was able to wake her grandparents. Her grandfather arrived twenty minutes later, disappointment chiseled into his face. Travis' heart broke.

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