Can't Be Killed

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Liam's POV

We don't even know what happened. Niall was just sitting on the floor watching us then all of a sudden he had blood seeping through his shirt where his heart is. Then he started to get more pale than he usually is and he wasn't moving or breathing.

I'm crying my eyes out right now because my baby is dead. I guess moving here wasn't the best idea. Niall is laying down beside me with his legs going across mine and I'm holding his hand. Everyone is downstairs with me and they are also crying. Louis, Harry and Zayn are just sitting there because they have known Niall their entire lives and they don't want to believe that their best friend is dead.

Zayn looked up and looked at Niall with wide eyes and all of us are confused.

"Zayn why are you looking at him like that"? Louis asked with no emotion.

"I-I can hear his heart beat". He said with total surprise. We all looked at Niall who was still very pale.

"Zayn he's still not breathing". I said about to let more tears fall.

"No I'm serious I can hear his heart beat you guys can hear it to just listen". Zayn said we all just listened but I can't get my hopes up it be out heart beats. Then I heard a 9th heart beat that was slow then I looked at Niall and so did everyone else and all of our eyes got wide.

His chest started moving up and down slowly and he started turning to his normal skin color. The hand that I was holding started to warm up and he twitched a little bit. His eyes started to open and he blinked a few times and he looked around and he sat up.

"God why does my chest hurt like hell"? He asked but we were to in shock to answer him and he looked at us with a really confused face. "Guys what happened"? He asked then Harry snapped out of it.

"Um we thought you were dead Niall". He said still in shock.

"Why would you think I was dead"? He asked.

"Because when we turned around and looked at you, you were bleeding where your heart was and you weren't breathing or moving so we thought that Micheal's ghost dad stabbed you in the heart with a stake". Harry said.

"Is that why my chest hurts so bad"? He asked and me all nodded.

"But my question is why aren't you dead you were stabbed in the heart by a stake"? Luke asked.

"How am I supposed to know I'm the one that almost died". He said

This is all so confusing. Niall shouldn't be alive right now not that I want him dead but he should be but he's not.

"Um Harry hand me that book". I said and he handed me the book and i flipped through the pages.

Witches Curse

There is a curse that witches put on people that did wrong. This curse is the curse of immortality meaning that, that person cannot die anyway. The curse is passed on through that person's family until the curse is lifted once the curse is lifted that person and their family can die (Only is they are a vampire or werewolf). There are only a few ways you can escape the curse which is ripping your heart out or your head cut off. For the curse to be lifted you have to go to the witch that cast the spell or a relative of that witch.

"So I'm cursed that's why I didn't die"? Niall asked and I nodded and he sighed.

Niall's POV

I'm cursed yep I'm cursed because someone is my family did something stupid. Not only am I a vampire that's being hunted and being tormented by a stupid ghost but I'm also cursed. Great just great.

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