Please Don't Leave Me.

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                     LABOR DAY WEEKEND

Emily's Pov

It's the day. It's the day that we all leaving Rosewood. Except Ali. I am feeling so complicated right now. Finally A is- I mean Cece, no Charlotte or Charles ugh whatever her fuckin' name is gone. We all been through so much. And finally, it's over.

I had so many girlfriends. But none of them like Ali. I mean, we were not couple but we were bestfriends with romantic connection. I want us to be more than friends ofcourse. I love her since 6th grade.  When she told me that those kisses weren't just for practice, I was the happiest girl alive. I mean, I was confused first. I thought she was manipulating me. That night, i couldn't help my feelings what after Ali said to me. I wanted to make a move to get away from this feeling. I kissed her, she kissed me back we make out in her bed. It was the best night for me. I wanted to talk to her about our hot make out, I wanted to know that did she felt the same way i felt. But i was afraid that she will manipulate me again.For that reason, i tried to get over her by dating other girls like Talia or fucking bitch Shower Harvey I mean Shower Whorevey. That bitch needs to pay my water bills. Ugh.

But now I know that I don't want to get over her. I always wanted to tell her my feelings but when she died i mean when we thought she died I was in pain I was in regret for not telling her my feelings. And now is my last chance because now, I know that Ali has changed..

"Wow, you bring enough flip-flops Em?" Hanna said.

"It's malibu. "

I said and go to the girls beside.

"Okay, well, you better not come back from Savannah talking like a southerner, you hear?" Spencer said to Aria.

"Hey you better not come back from Georgetown talking like a politician" Aria said.

"yeah" Spencer said.

We all laugh but I only heard Ali's laugh. For me, everywhere is black-white except her. She is the rainbow's 8th color for me. She looked at me, I can't tell how she cute was.

"I,uh, heard that Sara got released from the hospital today" I said.

They all looked at me. I knew that they were feeling bad for me. I mean, look at my ex-girlfriends, one of them is dead (maya)  one of them is liar psycho that tried to drown me and went California (Paige) one of them was married and she didn't tell me that (Talia) and one of them was taking shower all the time, and she stab a knife on my back by being "Red coat" and "Black Widow" ugh, when i punched her it was too enjoyable.

"What happened to Sara that night wasn't our fault." Ali said.

I loved the way that how she was trying to support me. I looked at her eyes. It was bright blue. It was amazing. Everytime I look her eyes, I got lost in her eyes.

"I doubt that's how she sees it" Spencer said.

"You guys.. I can't believe we're all actually leaving.

Ali laughed again. Her laugh was so cute like a baby and I can't help it so i laughed and blushed. And she looked at me again.

"Well, saying goodbye is a lot harder than I thought it would be" Hanna said

Aria hugged Alison.

"How lucky am I to have something, that makes saying goodbye so hard." Spencer said.

"What brilliant scholar said that" I said. I can see corner of my eye Ali's stare.

"Winnie The Pooh" Spencer said with laugh.

We all laughed and ofcourse I only heard Ali's. Than i felt my arm touched Ali's arm. I get back and she rested her head on my shoulder and touched my shoulder. Her touch was making my heart beats faster.

Then Aria, Spencer and Hanna hugged.

And Ali reached for my hand. She held my hand with her two hands. And my heart beats faster and faster.

"You gonna be okay?" I said to Ali.

"Yeah.. I spent my whole life dreaming about getting away from here. But right now, this is the only place I wanna be" She said while looking at me. This is it. I'm gonna tell her.

"Love you" I said.

"Love you too" she said and we hugged.

We all hugged. It was hard to getting away from my friends. And Ali.

It was time, we all get back to our cars. I looked at Ali from the mirror, she was looking at me. All the girls was gone. I was the one who stayed last. I can't help my feelings. She was looking at me so cute. She was so beautiful. That's it. This is my last chance. I am not gonna think anymore i said and get out of my car. And I run to Ali.

"Ali I-" I said but she cut off me.

"I know Em." She said.

And pulls me closer to her, i lean in she leaned in too and crashed our lips together. We were kissing oh my god. It was amazing and passionate. I felt butterflies on my stomach. I think she feel the same way as i do. Her lips was so sweet and soft smeels like a cherry lipstick. It was a long kiss. I licked his bottom lip and she let me. We were fighting with our tongues. I was so happy. And I don't want this moment to end.

We pulled away from eachother for catching our breaths. We were staring at eachother eyes. And at that moment, i knew that Alison Dilaurentis was my soulmate. She was the one for me. And I will fight for her no matter what it takes. She was making me happy.



Soo, what do you guys think? Do you like it? If i have any readers I will contiune my story and next chapter we will see in Ali's pov. Let me know your comments and suggestions. Thank you guys for reading. If you want to connect me here is my instagram account;

IG: emisqn

I hope you guys enjoyed! Thanks for everything!

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