when the truth comes out

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Shay's p.o.v
I was dreaming I was in the ocean swimming then I was driving really fasted and I could hear laughing and it sounded like boys laughing then I crashed the car and I woke up from a nightmare to another one

Man she keep moving don't make me have to slap your ass again
Waits going on get off of me !
Man shut the fuck up or would you rather tray went first lol man what was she saying again

Oh my god tray I love you lol (says the other guy

Now hold still before you get hit again
Man hurry up before someone comes
(Say a known voice to me so I look over it was tray and that's when it came to me prom night ,Trinity dieing,Trent ,me being pregnant, tray dieing it was all just a dream and I was still behind the bleachers)

Man hurry up
Ight ight almost got it on..ight ready are you ready to be deflowered princess lol

Please don't (I said as I begain to cry but he just looked in my eyes with a confused look on his face then that's when it happened he shoved him self into me and I began to cry

Dam baby you tight

I cryed and I cryed and they didn't even care then just took turns first some short guys then tray then the rest followed behind them then they left me there coverd in blood, tears and cemin
The next day

As I pasted by tray and his friends they try to pull me into the middle of there group but I managed to get away and I ran home but before I could get the door open a car pulls up it was tray and his friends how did they know were I lived
Ay shay that was some real slick shit you tryed at school so now we gonna have to handle that ass

Why won't you guys just leave me alone
Then tray grabs my arm because we own you baby lol now let's GO before I get mad
Is there a problem here says a guy with curly black hair with a black hat on and sweats on

To be continued...

Will shaylas nightmare ever end or is this just another crazy dream ?

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