trays secret

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Shayla's (p.o.v)
It had only been a week since trinity died no one really took it hard but her family probably because she was so mean to people and me and tray had just started going out the night of Trinity's death he came to my house crying so I met him in and when I turned to close the door he picked me up and put me on the bed and we started to make out will that was all I planned on doing but he wanted something more that I wasn't about to do so when he did try to pull down my shorts I said No I can't do it then he stopped and layed on me crying say how he was sorry how he treated me before and I felt bad so I let him sleep over I woke up in his arms something I always wanted it was like I a dream come true we walked to school together since he lost his car then by third period the police had came to the school and takened the hole foot ball team in for questioning tray looked at me then put his head down and left me Wondering what was going on...

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