Chapter 6- Living the Dream

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When I arrived in NYC by myself, I remembered the painful feeling when I got sepersted from my friends, my mom, and dad. Now, I was by myself. I had a little tear in my eye, from happiness and sadness all mixed up! It took some time to find the cab my mom payed to come get me. Once I found it, I told him the address. I was photographing the city all around. Even te homeless people. Then I remembered I have already been there before. But not for the same reason. This time was special. I didn't care if I was just picked because a girl got hurt, I'm just gonna go, no matter what reason. Once I saw the school, I started to cry. To cry because I had no mom, to cry beause of all of the hard work, of all of the struggles, all the hearts I have broken, all of the people I left, my ex-home, my everything. All of that just for one thing: to dance at ABA. I literally skipped up the stairs. I looked up and saw a huge chandelier followed by fancy doors to the reception. I walked in and rang the little bell in the table for help. The Russian mistress from the audition came and gave me my keys and schedule. I got my suitcase and flew up the stairs! When I got to room 13, I saw two full beds and an empty one. "Sorry we put you in the middle. We didn't know if you were coming or not. So, yeah.", said a girl that was literally 6 feet tall. "No problem, but what's your name? I am Daniela, but you can call me Dani, if you want er...", I said so awkwardly. Why do I have to be that strange? " Oops, sorry! I am Candace. And you can call me whatever you want.", said Candace smiling. "Where's the other roommate?", I asked Candace. "Oh. Alina's somewhere causing trouble. Or making friends. You never know." I cannot belive this! Alina Moss is my roommate!! Why am I even so excited? She's just a girl. I shook my head to take the bad thought away. I asked Candace to help me put in my suitcase. I half organized my room and it was already lunch time. I did not want a bad first impression, so I had a salad. " So, I assume that you are the type of girls that starve themselves to look good.", said a boy that looked familiar to me. I think he was my pas de deux partner ar the pre-audition. " I am not! I just don't want a bad first impression! I had pizza yesterday!". I was beginning to regret my choice of food. " You are adorable. I bet you didn't have pizza!", he said teasing me. " Well, I thibk im gonna have to throw up to prove it to you!", I kinda shouted at him. "Why are you making so much effort to prove it to me?. I hate it that he's right. "Because, again, I don't want to get bad impressions!", I quickly answered, hoping he would walk away. " Don't worry, you did quite well...", he said as he walked away. I went after him. Who was he? "Hey! What's your name?", I yelled after him. "Alex!", he yelled back. Alex. He sounds cool.

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