Chapter 2

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Sonia POV
'Damn I lost the only decent job I had, now what am I going to do? I have to find my brothers first, and figure out what to do from there the....' With that thought I headed home, thinking up ways of telling them the news. I can't just say, "Hey I got fired, and we don't have a chance to survive anymore!" Sigh* Money is such a problem, I wish my brothers can help me, but they are either too young or actually have a chance of getting out of poverty. I'm supposed to provide for them, I am the oldest after all, and I promised my parents before the tragedy...

~~Flashback~~(15 yrs ago)
Sonia POV (11 yrs old at the time)
"Dad? What's going on? Why is everyone in such a rush?", I say as I look up to face a tall light blue hedgehog with brown quills. "Mommy got into an accident, and she's in this hospital so that the doctors can help her and you're little sibling in her belly be okay. We are in a rush because we need to make sure they are both safe that's all.", he frantically responds. "Okay daddy.", I say as I hold on to my little brother Manic (4 yrs old at the time) while he talks to the doctors. I noticed a sudden change in his face as the doctor finished his statement and headed back my mom's room. Dad looks lost and broken. I've never seen him that way before. He made his way towards us and grab us both by the hands. "Daddy?", Manic asks, "Where are we going?" "To see your mother, son." As we make our way to her room, we are stopped by a group of nurses. "Sir, you are not permitted into the room." One of them responds. At this point I see my dad lose it completely. He began to make a scene, and shouted, "Are you really stopping me from seeing my wife? Do you have any idea of the stress and despair I am feeling at this moment? My wife has her hours counted! And I have a premature son who might not make it to see tomorrow? Are you really stopping me from seeing the love of my life in her last moments? Huh? Answer me god dammit!" I couldn't believe it. Is mom dying? I have another little brother that might die with her? No,no,no,no,no,no! I grab Manic by the hand and sneak him into the room while my dad is still ranting. As soon as I turn to see her, my heart froze. She was connected to all types of wires, her skin was faded, I couldn't help but cry. Manic, not knowing what was truly going on, ran up to mom and hugged her, causing her to moan in pain. I grabbed Manic and pulled him back as Mom started to wake up. She looked at us and smiled. She noticed my tears and said, "Don't worry about me baby, I will always stay in your heart, I love you and Manic. And please love and care of Sonic." "Sonic?", I question. "Yes. Give your newborn brother that name for me sweetheart, I love him and I know he'll survive this. And tell your father, that now matter what, he will always remain in my heart. I love all of you, you are the most important beings in my life, don't ever forget that.", she smiled.

Beep, beep, beeeeep.

And with that her heart rate stopped, never to be heard ever again.

"Mom? Mom?! Mom!!", I started crying hysterically, alongside with my brother who was in a state of shock. My father barged into the room and ran to us, hugging us tightly. Then he noticed my mother's lifeless body and broke down. "Bernie? Bernie don't do this to me! Please I need you I can't live without you! Please wake up!" He shook my mother trying to see if she could react. Nothing. Then the doctors showed up and tried to separate him from mom, but it was a mistake. He hollered, "This is all your fault! Because of you I couldn't be there for my wife! I'm broken, only thinking od the 'what ifs' of her last moments, she could have been saved if you paid any attention towards her! I hate you all! You piece of --" My father was stopped by a tranquilizer injected in his arm. He was taken to another room while a nurse grabbed my brother and I to take us to a separate room. On our way I asked, "Is there any chance I can see my baby brother?" She looks skeptical, but answers, "Okay, but don't tell anyone I brought you here." "We won't.", Manic and I reply. We head to room full of babies in see-through boxes. She arrives to a box that has the smallest baby in it. The baby has blue fur and quills, and peach skin. He looks like a blue potato. "That's my brother?", I asked. "Yes, and at the rate he is going he is going to be fine." "That's good." I look to face my little brother, "Welcome to world Sonic."

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