At Seto Kiba's

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"Seto? Let me in!" Mokuba said through the door.

"Fine. Come in." Seto finally gave in.

"What do you want Mokuba? I'm very busy." Seto said.

"I want to play I'm bored." Mokuba whined.

"Go and play your video games or run in the halls. If I finish this I'll play with you." Seto said.

"Ok." Mokuba said leaving the room.

He started running in the halls like his big brother had said.

"Hey this is actually kinda fun." He said to himself.

Soon Mokuba is landing on the floor after hitting something or someone.

"Ow! Ow my head." Bella said

"Ouch!" Mokuba says rubbing his head.

"Oh hey Mockie." Bella said.

"Oh Bella that was you I ran into! I'm so sorry!" He said jumping up.

"Its fine. I'm OK. You didn't mean to." Bella said while Mokuba helped her up. Which was hard considering Bella was taller than him.

"Your bored aren't you?" Bella asks mokuba.

"Yes! Like super!" Mokuba said.

"I'll play video games with you for a bit. Then I'll go see your brother. And if I can help him finish sooner."

"OK!" Mokuba said happily.

They play video games for an hour. "OK kid I'm gonna help big bro."Bella said

"But seto isn't really your brother." Mokuba said.

"Yeah I know. He's your brother. That's why I said that. You and seto are real close friends so I have no problem with calling him that." Bella said.

"Yeah I know. But I was saying since he's not actually your brother you could still date him." Mokuba said sticking out his tongue playfully.

"Oh. And what brought that up?"

"Don't tell seto I told you but I think he likes you. Like likes you." Mokuba said.

"OK it'll be our Lil secret. I'm gonna go help him know."

Soon Bella was at Seto's office.

Knock knock

"What is it know. Who is it? I'm busy." Seto yelled

"Uh S-Seto it's me, Bella. C-Can I c-come in?" Bella says.

"Oh yes. Come in" Seto says much kinder.

Bella walks in and closes the door.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you." Seto apologizes.

"You didn't know it was me. Its fine"

"Why aren't you at Yugi's?" Seto asks.

"Well I wanted to see you. And I got tired o-of B-Bakura trying to say h-he u-understands e-everything." Bella says as she begins to cry.

Seto gets up and brings Bella to the couch hugging her.

"Shhh. Its alright I'm here and I'll always be here." Seto tries to comfort Bella.

"I-its j-just h-he doesn't u-understand a-anything." Bella cries.

"Just give him time. Its been three years. He'll learn." Seto says.

Seto clears his throat, "Hey Bella what did you do yesterday?"

"I worked at the bar. Saw bakura. He stayed at my place because they were doing work at his. He kissed me. We both said we love each other. Then we went to sleep. We're neighbors. They're still working on his apartment."

"You don't want to go home do you?" Seto asks.

"No. I'll either stay with Marik or with anyone other than bakura." Bella said.

"You can stay here."

"Yeah OK. I'll call Marik and tell him not to come get me."

Bella calls Marik and tells him not to come.

"Let me help seto."

"I'm fine I got it. I only have another hour then I'm done."


Seto sits back at his desk and starts to work. He looks over at Bella who is on the couch.

"Are you cold?" Seto asks.


"Here." Seto walks over and puts his grey coat over her.

"Thanks seto."

"No problem." Seto says as he gets back to work.

An hour later he finishes.

"Hey wanna go play with mok-" Seto starts. He stops seeing her asleep. "She's asleep. How cute."

"Looks like another thunderstorm."

Seto thinks to himself, "I don't want to wake her up but there's no guess room. So I don't know where she wants to sleep."

"Hey Bella. Bella wake up." Seto says shaking Bella lightly.

"Where do you want to sleep? Here, Mokuba's room or m-"

Seto was cut of by the sound of loud thunder.

Bella jumps up and into Seto's arms.

"Y-your r-room." Bella said shakily.

"You really don't like thunder."

They head to seto's room after he sees mokuba is asleep.

"I'll sleep in the floor." Seto says.

"No I will. Its your bed. And I'm used to sleeping on floors."

"You sure?" Seto questions.

"Yeah." Bella says.

Seto gets in bed and Bella gets on the floor.

BOOM! Thunder sounds again.

The sound of thunder makes Bella jump from the floor to seto's bed.

"S-sorry s-seto."

"Its fine. You want me in the floor?"

"N-no stay here with me. I-if y-your okay w-with m-me being in y-your b-bed."

"Its fine. I don't care. Only on one condition. You remove your nails from my back."

"Sorry seto!"

"Its fine," he sighs softly. "Its just like when we were kids. At my parents house when you and your parents would stay and it be thundering outside you would run to my room and jump on my bed and hide under the blankets and I would hold you. Same thing when you lived at my house. Same thing in the orphanage."

"I know seto. How pathetic a ten year old scared of thunder know I'm 16 and I'm still scared of it. And the dark and being alone."

"Its not pathetic. I think its cute." Seto said making Bella blush.

Seto inched his face closer to hers and places a soft kiss to her cheek.

"Uh... Seto i... U-" Bella cut herself off. "Do you like me?"

"As a sister. Good night Bella."

"Good night Seto"

"It'll be a good night because I have you" They say at the same time.

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