friend reunion

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"Get up sleeping beauty" Bella says trowing a pillow at Bakuras face.

"Ahh! I'm up! I'm up!" Bakura screamed as he awoke and fell of the couch.

Bella laughs

"Its not funny!" Bakura yells with a slight blush.

"Yeah it is."

"Fine its a little funny." Bakura smiles.

"Okay come on we gotta get ta Yugi's."


They get ready and head outside.

"I'll race ya!" Bella says.

"I don't know were yugi lives anymore. I was gone for three years." Bakura says

"Oh yeah. He still lives in the most popular gameing store in domino city."

"Yeah. Speaking of that. What's your favorite duel monsters card?" Bakura asks.

"The change of heart of course. Its the same as Ryou's. Yugi's is the dark magician, joey's is the flame swordsman, tea's is flying friendship, Mai's is the harpie ladys, Duke's is the something ninja, tristen's is the cyber commander, seto's is the blue eyes white dragon. And yeah everyone still loves the same card."

"I forgot about most of everyones favorite. What's your favorite monster card, Bella?"Bakura says.

"I'd have to say the Winged Dragon Of Ra. Its the only Egyptian God card Marik let me keep and yugi has the others."Bella said.

"You know Bella I don't think I've ever actually seen your necklace. Like I always knew you had one on but you would always have your shirt over it. It looks like a duel monsters card. What is it?"

"Well I grew up living with seto and mokuba. Because my parents didn't want me. They took me to seto's house. And my parents knew Setos so we were close even before this. And after our parents were done talking. They left me there at seto's. I was never legally adopted so I was never a legal sister to seto or mokuba. After my parents left me there I went to my room and wouldn't talk. Mokuba tried everything then he would get seto in my room and seto would say 'are you ok? Talk to me.' And I would always shake my head when he asked if I was ok. Then I would start crying and seto would say 'come here' and I would run and hug him crying and he would always say 'its ok. I'm here. I'll always be here for you no matter what' then I would talk. Then one day seto and mokuba's parents died and we were taken to the orphanage. And a whole bunch of the kids would pick on me and mokuba. Seto would always fight for us. And sometimes I would be sitting on the swings crying and he would ask me the same things he did when my parents left. But you know how seto and mokuba have a necklace like this? Well mokuba has a picture of seto in his and seto has a picture of mokuba in his and I have a picture of me seto and mokuba." Bella said.

"I talk to much. I'm sorry kura."Bella apologized.

"Its fine. And why was it again your parents didn't want you?"

"Well me and my parents traveled to Egypt because my parents knew Marik's parents. It wasn't my first time there either. Last time we were there my parents had to leave for six months for business so Marik's parents took me in for those months. Me and Marik would play all the time that we could. Then he would have to do his studies. I would do them with him. So on our second visit back to Egypt me and Marik we so happy to see each other. We went to his room and then he looked sad and I asked why and he told me that on that day he was to receive the tomb keepers initiation and that he was scared so I told him I would get it too. So we both got it. My parents had no idea. Then when we got home I was changing my clothes and my mom came in to get my dirty clothes and ask me how I liked seeing Marik again. And so she saw the scriptures on my back and called my father in and when he saw them he told me I was a disgrace and to put my clothes on that we were going out. Then I was left at seto's. I guess they just didn't want a official tomb keeper as a daughter."

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