A Trip To london

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"Let's go guys" Bella says
"Ok!" Says mokuba.
They all go to the airport and get on the plan to London
"Sit with me seto?" Bella asks
Everyone goes and finds their seats.
Bella falls asleep.
"Ah!" Bella screams a few minutes later jolting awake.
"Are you ok Bella" seto asks
"Yeah just a nightmare"Bella responds
Bella looks behind her.
"Aww looks like Mockie, Yugi and Yami are asleep" Bella says to seto
"Looks like everyone is. We should sleep too. If you want you can put your head on my shoulder or lap if you want."seto says
"Ok. Thanks seto. Yawns."Bella says as she lays her head on setos lap falling asleep.seto turns his head and rest it on the end of the head rest putting a arm on Bella's shoulder.
A few hours later they arrive to London.
" Claude will pick us up here in a few." Bella says
"Who's Claude again" mokuba asks
"Alois' butler. Tall, dark hair, glasses."
"Oh yeah. I like uh what's his names butler better."mokuba says
"Ciel' butler Sebastian "
"Yeah"mokuba says
Claude arrives and drives them to the tarncy mansion. Bella runs into the manner.
"Alois!" Bella shouts
"Bella!" Alois shouts
They hug each other.
"Introduce me to your friends."
" this is Yugi Yami téa duke ryou Mai joey Tristan marik mokuba and seto"
"nice to meet you guys. Seto, Mokuba nice to see you guys again." Alois says cheerfully.
"Yeah" Seto grunts.
"Claude go make dinner."
"Yes master."
"So after we eat were going to go to ciels place." Bella says.
" alright very well" alois says.
" um I don't think so. Its going to be another storm." Duke says.
"Yup. okay. I'm done for. Ciel can wait another night." Bella says and everyone laughs.
"Your highness dinner is ready."
"Yes. Thank you claude. That will be all." Alois says.
Everyone walks into the kitchen to enjoy the dinner Claude has prepared.
" so where's everyone going to sleep?" Duke asks.
" Duke if you haven't noticed I live in a Mansion. But we are one room short. Thanks to the triplets who burnt one down." Alois says.
"Hey guys lets play Truth or Dare." Bella says.
"Alois truth or dare?" Mokuba asks.
"I dare u to hold ur breath for as long as you can."
"Kay." Alois says holding his breath.
"Bella truth or dare?" Duke says.
"I dare you to sleep in my room tonight."
"Hey no fair!" Alois says as he starts gathering air and coughing.
"You all right there alo?" Bella asks.
"Yeah." Alois says.
"Good. I can't have you dieing on me." Bella says hugging alois.
"But why do u have to stay in dukes room?" Alois asks.
"Cause it was a dare, Hun. Can't go against the rules now can I? Nope don't think I can."
"I guess." Alois says.
They play Truth or Dare for the next hour.
"We're goin to ciels tomorrow." Bella says as everyone heads to there rooms.


If anyone has any ideas or stuff for further chapters please please leave a comment. I would love to hear your ideas. And it would help. Since I haven't done this story in a while. Oh and sorry for that.

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