She took the wrapper from his hands, removed the white circle and slid it on him. Heat flared between her legs when she noticed how much she had to stretch the latex to get it on him. "Well," she said, as he lifted her onto the kitchen counter, spreading her knees wide with his hands, "That depends on whether it's just ornamental or if..." She gasped in pleasure as his hot firmness slid into her. Definitely not just for show.

Lucy moved slowly at first, trying to prolong this sweet moment. That lasted only seconds before their mutual yearnings demanded more. Their bodies, in unspoken agreement, drove against each other in a near frenzy, taking them both soaring up to the edge of ecstasy. Lucy was the first to cry out when she hit the zenith of her pleasure, and Frederick's low moans joined hers two pounding heartbeats later. Lucy closed her eyes and rested her head on Frederick's shoulder as aftershocks of pleasure flickered through her. His arms wrapped around her, holding her tightly.

"That..." Frederick began.

"Yeah..." Lucy agreed.

* * * * *

Frederick reclined on the couch with Lucy settled between his legs, her hair tickling his bare chest. A plate of cheese, crackers and strawberries was balanced on her lap. Lucy had put her panties and shirt back on, but beneath her, Frederick was still completely nude, and completely content.

"You should come to work with me more often," he said. "All the time. Every single day."

"You had a good day, did you?" she teased.

"The best. You're just..." he searched for the right word, but nothing seemed so come even close to what he meant. "The best," he repeated.

"Well, I had a pretty good day, too," she said, popping another strawberry in her mouth.

Frederick reached around her, grazing Lucy's breast with his arm as he plucked a strawberry off the plate, then pulled it back with exaggerated slowness as he brought the strawberry to his mouth.

The berry must have been grown locally. It was small and tart, as Northern fruit tended to be, but the flavor was more intense than any he'd had from warmer climates. This one seemed especially good. Everything smelled good, tasted good, felt good to him right now.

"I heard about your good day," said Frederick.

Lucy was silent for a moment. "Oh, right, the accident on set. I wouldn't call that good, exactly, but it was certainly more excitement than I expected. What did you hear?"

"That you were invaluable when those two actors needed help. Everyone was talking about it today. They all said you leaped in and took charge as much as the paid medic did, if not more. Even the director told me how impressed he was."

"All these people knew that you invited me here?"

Frederick could feel the rising tension in her back. "Only a couple. The casting director, of course, because she was the one I talked to about you coming here in the first place. And I was talking to Chase Flannery, the one who plays Mr. Bingley, and it came out in conversation with him, too. It's not a secret that we know each other, is it?" he asked. Lucy's back relaxed against his chest again.

"No, of course not. I just didn't want to cause any trouble for you. And, well, I don't want people saying nice things about me just because we're... because we know each other."

"They said nice things about you because you did a nice job. Great, in fact. The director stopped me as I was leaving and asked if you were free next weekend. Apparently, even though we meet industry safety standards, some of the crew have been grumbling that they don't feel safe because we're so isolated out here."

On Bended KneeWhere stories live. Discover now